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New member
I'm thankful to be here in America
I'm thankful I still have my Dad who I love dearly, and my two sons
I'm thankful for my little home, and that I have a job, and that I can work
I'm thankful for my critters
I'm thankful for this site with its good people and insights, and for those who have extended the hand of friendship to me here.

What are you thankful for?
For Turkey! Is there anything else better!

My two children, Tara and Logan!

To have such a beautiful wife, Christine(I keep her drugged, so she doesn't know any better)!

AND, I'm Thankful for gas (name something else, that can clear a room, kill small birds and children, and cause so much laughter, at the same time!


I'm thankful for my children, Kevin, Caitlyn (who has a birthday today), Amberly and Isaac.
I'm thankful for my good and loving wife, Tawnya.
I'm thankful that I live in a wonderful nation... and I THANK the awesome people who are out there right now, making sure that we are safe.
I'm thankful for the friends and family that I have... near and far.
I'm thankful for CS.com and the friends I've made here the last year.
I'm thankful for the job my wife and I do... even though it is SO easy to love to hate it. LOL.
I'm thankful that someone ELSE (my brother) made turkey... I got to make HAM! :)
I'm thankful for so many things, I couldn't possibly write them all...but I know what everyone is and try daily to remember some of them throughout the year.
I am thankful for my supportive family and wonderful friends.
I am thankful to have my health, a job, and a roof over my head.
I am thankful to live in the USA and for all the service men and women fighting to keep out country safe.
And I am thankful for the little things - a warm kitty to sleep with at night, a beautiful sunset or sunrise, the smell of flowers freshly blooming and many, many others.
I am very thankful for my 3 children. Travis, Rebecca, and Rachel.
I am thankful to be back to work on a full time basis again.
I am thankful for my family and friends. And for the CS.com community.
I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food in the cupboard.
I'm thankful that I have running, hot water, food, air conditioning, and a warm bed to sleep in at night. I know others can't say the the same.
Thankful that the White Plains Reptile expo is this Sunday and I have no other obligations. Looks like a full day of hanging at the expo and seeing good friends!! :noevil:
Lucille, I am thankful for many things tangible and intangible, public and private.
I'm thankful for an awareness, that I didn't used to have, to not take the good things for granted;
And, I'm thankful for some small measure of fortitude and wisdom, that I certainly don't have a lot of...and used to have zero of, that allows me to live thru and see beyond the not so good things.
I'm thankful for my children and FRILLIE!!!!

Wayne on the other hand....????....???..... That's just it!! the other hand.... Well I'm thankful he still has one working hand """"and fingers"""

Uhummm... but WHATEVA!!
I'm thankful for my beautiful sons, Matthew and Luke.
I'm thankful for my health.
I'm thankful for my father, my only remaining blood relative (aside from my sons.)
I'm thankful for my friends and non-blood "family."
I'm thankful for the little freedoms that come with being in this country that I frequently take for granted.
There are so many other things, much too many to list here.
Lastly, but certainly not least, I'm thankful for the person that holds my heart. He's the last person I think of before sleep, and he's the first person I think of upon waking. I wasn't looking for him, but our friendship grew into so much more than I expected.
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My list is long, long, long.
I am thankful to have meaningful work that helps others & pays the bills
I am thankful for friends.
I am thankful for snuggly cats & beautiful hand tame snakes.
I am thankful for people who lend me their dogs -- my life is not dog friendly but I am!
I am thankful I have a car that runs good & is fun to drive.
I am thankful for all the freedom I enjoy.
I am thankful I was born in the 20th century instead of the 19th.
I am thankful I have a roof over my head, running water & central heat.
I am thankful for the sacrifices my ancestors made to get here.
I am thankful for the sacrifices US military personnel have made & are making to keep me safer.
I could go on but you get the picture