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Thermometers at Home Depot!!


Is it summer yet?? :)
I've been doing alot of reading on the forums since I don't really have too much to share right now, and I noticed alot of people just like me didn't know that it was a good idea to by a thermometer and a regulator of some sort to use with the UTH's. Plain and simple the UTH will get too hot for your snake without a regulator. With that said I wanted to share that I found an awesome digital thermometer at HD by ACU-RITE, it's got the probe and an acutal function where you can have it show the "outside" temp and the time or the "outside temp" "inside temp" and a humidity guide--all in one for $10!! It's on sale!! This is perfect especially for the beginner, newbie, or the one with a few snakes. I don't know how long this sale is going on for so if you need one or think you will need one go get it! ;)
Also as far as the regulator switch HD also has these for $10 --all you need is a table top dimmer switch. Works perfect and so far the thermometer seems to be pretty accurate if not right on, it's maybe only 1 degree off. I don't know if the humidity is accurate or not ( I don't have another way of double checking) but it currently reads 46% which seems about right for indoors in the NE.
Happy Hunting!!
I actually bought a similar thermometer/hygrometer at walmart for probably the same price. Inside/no probe temp, outside/probe temp, time, humidity. Works great, only problem we noticed is these tend to be much larger than the reptile-targeted ones. My husband really prefers the tiny ones, but for the price/function, walmart/hd ones are great! Thanks for passing on the tip.
No problem!! I'm just glad I actually had something to contribute!! It does sound very familiar to the one I got--also the other good thing is you can leave the actual base outside the tank because the cord is long enough and also thin enough to close the screen without there being any gaps! Two thumbs up!!
These are what we use on all of our tubs and vivs now. We got ours at Lowe's for the same price also.
Just be careful to double-check the temperature with another method when you are dialing them in. I've purchased two of the style/brand you are talking about, one is right on, one reads a couple of degrees higher than actual temperature measured with a temp gun.
That is why I always have my temps reading about 3 degrees below the top of the range. I also change out my batteries every few feedings. It helps to know you have good batteries on such a necessary piece of equipment.
Sounds like a great sale -

especially if you want the humidity gauge (never use those myself). But the little yellow Zoo Med digital temp / probe is often around $8, sometimes even less, at shows. Not sure how much they are online, or at stores. I think I have also seen a few similar sized ones made by other manufacturers, but haven't noticed the price. I have actually used the Zoo Med thermometer and liked it a lot. The size is just right, too.
walmart has accurite hygro/tepm guages for about 7$. i get mine from there for all my reptiles. you can just use double sided tape to stick it to the tank.
I REALLY dislike the thermometers that stick to the glass.

If you are giving your snake a nice hot spot in the cage, you REALLY need to know the temp of the hot spot. You can either use a probe or temp gun to occasionally check, or you could even stick your whole thermometer in the warmest spot now and then, especially if it is small enough to fit in the warm hide box. It is good to know the ambient temp, too - but the outer glass temp will probably be not all that different from the room temp of the room it is kept in (unless your house is really cold and you have to heat the whole tank).