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Pixi stix
sorry the pic is dark and a little blurry I don't own a great camera
my poor cloud has these weird brownish greenish scales
I tried to wipe it off and the whole scale came off exposing the skin
I don't think its mite because its the whole entire scale.
it looks kinda like a infected scab
they are only on his back.
he also just shed a few days ago so I really don't know what it could be
he had an under tank heater which crapped out found out yesterday
a water dish and small towel and hide place.
Is it scale rot?
he doesn't seem to be acting weird but im worried.
we are taking him to a vet to be sure.
but any suggestions?

also if all is well is he big enough to breed just wondering?
and yes this is a serious question I only ask just so I have this for my own
knowledge, I'm not planning to breed until I have researched a lot and
decide if I want to or not.
My female is 4ft long. he is only about a foot-foot and a half maybe two feet.


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It sounds like a classic case of scale rot.

At this stage I would suggest a visit to the vet ASAP. If you catch it in the early stages it can be treated at home, but this sounds more advanced than that.

Just for your knowledge and in the event that you cant get him to a vet today or tomorrow, typical home treatment goes something like this...

Common home treatment includes:

1.) Get the temperature right
2.) Get the humidity right
3.) Get the tank cleaned up
4.) Use triple anti-biotic ointment (WITHOUT painkiller)
5.) A bath in a betadine solution (10% betadine)

Replace any substraight and use paper towels instead. Make sure to completely clean everything. If you use a bleach solution make sure you wash it off very well and allow it to air dry completely.

What is your husbandry like?
I've already cleaned his tank throughly
I took out the aspen shavings
replaced it with a clean small towel as i have no paper towel
cleaned his water dish
and hiding rock
im picking up heat lamps today
as for humidity is a spray bottle ok
and also i seen some people saying not to have to much humidity
cause it could speed up the rot.
new brighter pics of problem

these are the brighter pics so you can see better


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new brighter pics of problem

here is some new clearer pics


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Sorry it took me so long to get back!

Yup humidity is your enemy in instances involving scale rot. If the water bowl was big enough for the snake to get in, get a smaller one that she cant fit in. As long as their is some humidity in the air everything should be fine.

Do you have a UTH (under tank heater) with a thermostat? Most here, including myself, would warn against using heat lamps.
it was just a scab it went away and I wasn't just leaving at that
I also posted pictures on the TARAS website and I was told that it wasn't scale rot
but just in case I thoroughly cleaned his tank and everything and monitored him for a couple days to see if it got worse and it just went away it was just individual scales and the scab just flaked off.
I fed him today and for the first time he tried to constrict the prey it was so cute because he is just learning to do it!
Its exciting watching them grow.
I'm glad everything worked itself out alright! It does make me wonder how on earth the snake ended up with a scab though.

It is fun watching them grow up as well:cheers:
well i had a rock in there to help him shed it was one of those really pretty polished quartz sliced rocks with the pretty polished bit on the inside but it was cut in a three side so i put the pink polished part in the corner so the rough rock was on the outside but i think when he was climbing up the side of the tank cuz he isnt vert big he stretches out almost his full length so when he did he toppled over and maybe fell on the rock

but yes im very happy hes ok.
I was worried it was scale rot!

Good that you caught it!

Males reach maturity at about 2 years... So he might be ready to breed. Definitely by next season-
Check out the breeding section here. You will learn a lot.

Make sure you decide where your babies are going to go after they hatch. The corn market is kinda dead right now and it might be hard to give snakes away.

Oh- and what a cutie!!
i have seen similar instances where after a shed, a scale or two did ot shed off properly and they looked a little funny for a while. could have been something like that. scale rot is usually(not always)on the belly because of an animal laying on too wet of a substrate, but if your snake is laying under a wet towel or something it could very well be scale rot.
Happens to my snow every now and agin...probably to the others too but the color is so close. Never been anything to worry over!
could your snake have gotten stuck in something and rubbed some scales off?

as others have said, scale rot usually happens on the belly of the snake. in super advanced cases i suppose some could be seen on the snake's back, but it would appear on the belly, first.

in your case, i'd absolutely be looking out for mites, though.