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Worst Household Chores

What are your least fave chores? (more than 1 OK)

  • Wallpapering

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • Doing dishes

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • Cleaning the bathroom

    Votes: 25 47.2%
  • Laundry

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • Picking up the backyard after the dogs

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • Cleaning cages

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • None, I love chores

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mowing the yard

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • I pay to have my chores done

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Vacuuming

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • Cooking

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • other

    Votes: 12 22.6%

  • Total voters


New member
I'm wallpapering today and it's da pits, feeling very sorry for myself. So I got to thinking of the ickiest home chores. What are yours?
I'd be hardpressed (no pun intended) to ever wallpaper. It's not our style at all. But I do like to paint.

But I hate laundry and I hate picking up the dog poo (who doesn't)!
I hate a lot of these, doing dishes, vacuuming, cleaning bathroom ugh ugh ugh.
I HATE sorting through papers too. Junk mail bills or whatever it is.
I like mowing the lawn :)
Name it and I hate it. But most of all....

Dishes - Lauren does most of them though.
Picking up dog poo..mainly cause the neighbors stare at you - Again...all Lauren.
Laundry- UGH...it's my job, but I admit to slacking on it. mainly I hate the fact that it's in the basement but we dump the dirty and keep the clean clothes on the 2nd floor. Two flights of steps for each load. Blah
Mowing the Lawn...again...ummm Lauren does it.

I am a slacker.
I don't mind the dishes. Laundry isn't bad either, even if I have to drive to the laundromat. Vacuuming feels cleansing, so I actually kind of enjoy it. Cooking is fun too.

Now, I really don't like cleaning cages, but the sense of having it accomplished is amazing. Cleaning the bathroom is probably the worst of the chores. And cleaning out the doggy doo doo pen is not very fun either.
I had to pick other. I hate... hate... HATE!

To dust!!!

I think aquariums are brilliant. Cover every surface with an aquarium... no more dusting. I just dusted the PC desk today. With two cockatiels, and ferrets in one room... lots of dust!

I also mowed the lawn for the last time. I don't mind that... actually enjoy it.
I had to pick the cleaning up after dogs one. I hate poop. Especially dog poop. Ick! x__x
I love wallpapering!!! I hate dusting. I also hate washing the floor and vacuuming, but I have robots for that. I used to be able to afford a maid. Those were the days!! I don't mind dog poop or mowing at all.
I absolutely hate doing the dishes!!! Worst chore ever.

I'm really lucky, my mom cleans up the dog poo. I live in the in-law apartment behind their house and my sister also has a dog, so my mom cleans up after both of them! :D

I also hate mowing the lawn at home, but I love mowing our farm. I refuse to do it at the house on the little riding lawn mower (it only takes about an hour and a half to do the whole yard), but I don't mind spending 4-5 hours on our big tractor at the farm two or three days in a row (takes awhile to mow 15 acres, especially when you have to mow around lots of cross country jumps). Weird, I know... :shrugs:
Cleaning cat boxes is the singular worst household chore ever.

I changed the way I do the cat box. I have one of those two piece boxes where there is a cover. I take the bottom and line it with a trash bag and then put the litter in. When I change it, I just untuck the open part of the bag from under the catbox and lift up and throw it all away. It's worth the extra trash bags and litter because I don't have to deal with scrubbing cat boxes.
I hate all of it - it's soul-destroying. After hours of work my flat's clean and tidy for about ten minutes, then dust starts to appear from nowhere and before you know it, you're back to square one!

Taking out the trash really gets me. No matter how careful I am to only put dry stuff in the kitchen bin, I always end up with bin juice smeared down me!!
I had to say the bathroom and vacuuming. I don't know why but I hate to vacuum. I don't have any men or boys in the house but I swear my girls make just as much mess as any boy could in the bathroom. I don't think they can see when trash is full and overflowing..geesh.
Dishes - Tony or me... Usually Tony.
Laundry - Tony.
Lawn - Me or Tony. Usually Tony.
Kitty litter - Tony.
Kitty bathing - Team effort.
Snake feeding, cleaning, watering, photographing, other care - Me.

So... it all evens out. :rofl:
I really don't mind chores. Sometimes I go on a cleaning rampage and clean EVERYTHING in sight and just have a blast. But recently I moved in with my boyfriend and he still lives with his parents so we have to share an already cluttered room... it gets discouraging staring at big piles of clutter.

But I have managed to trim the clutter down a little with the addition of shelves.

Also, before anyone bashes my boyfriend for still living with his parents we both work and help with the rent. But we just can't afford an apartment, and believe me we'd love to. lol