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  • Hey there! Your babies sound awesome! i got my first corn back in march. i grew up in new mexico in a desert, so i was surrounded by snakes and always wanted one. a corn seemed to be the perfect one, and Amun just kinda jumped out at me while i was in the pet store and had to have her.
    Hello there! I just wanted to stop in and say hi. I'm kinda new on here and need and would love to make new friends that live in Indiana. I also live Indiana-Bloomington. I currently have four corn snakes-whom I love very much. They are such awesome creatures to have as pets. I got my first one June 2006 so Diamond is just over 3yrs old now. Diamond is a Anery A and very beautiful. Than I also have two normals Zoe and Rose and one Amel Bindi. Zoe and Rose I bought last summer and Bindi I purchased in Jan of 2009. They are all very gorgeous. So how did you get into corn snakes/reptiles? Take care..if you know anyone close to Bloomington going to the Indy reptile show I would love to catch a ride with someone. Thanks!

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