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Recent content by proileri

  1. P

    A box for burrowing

    Anyone use a box filled with substrate, so the snake can burrow a bit deeper? Are there any pros/cons to it? My logic here is that burrowing behaviour seems to be natural for corn snakes, but if you lay a thick layer of bedding, it might be hard to find the poop. A burrowing box would allow...
  2. P

    New climbing tubes.. mistaken for a hide!

    I recently made a new, bigger viv for my snake. It's about 2' high, and as she seems to be interested in exploring the top corners and falling down while doing it (and waking me up with all the ruckus!), I needed to add some climbing holds for her. I took some kitchen towel rolls and cut them...
  3. P

    Flaking skin on the head?

    Today I noticed Nuppu had a bit of flaking skin on top of her head. The portions that stick up are very thin, and look like they could be bits of old skin that were missed in previous shed, or a new shed that's beginning. They are firmly stuck from one end, but the area itself doesn't look...
  4. P

    Feeding during spring season; male vs. female?

    So the busy spring season is upon the snakes, and as is often noted, especially males become more active and aren't always interested in feeding. What about females? My female has been active lately, definitely in reproductive mood. She does eat, though, which makes sense if she's preparing to...
  5. P

    Origin of "compete for same spot" claim?

    I don't cohab snakes, but I was curious about the claim that "snakes compete for the best spot". Does anyone know if there's any experiments or proof about this kind of thing, or is it just "common knowledge"? Any references where you have seen this information printed?
  6. P

    Droopy eye when sleeping?

    I didn't think about this before, but it seems that you can tell when a snake is asleep! I noticed my snake was in her tube hide around midday - usual sleeping time - and noticed that her head was sticking out a bit. Seems that she had coiled into a narrow tube and couldn't get her head in...
  7. P

    Climbing - important exercise for snakes?

    I've been thinking about what makes a good home for a snake, and am starting to think that climbing might be one of the important things that affect snake health. My conclusions are purely based on the idea that 1) exercise is good for the snake, 2) climbing is a more demanding exercise than...
  8. P

    Arboreal feeding!

    I feed my snake with tweezers, and was trying to use a mouse to lure Nuppu down from her high hide yesterday. You can probably guess how that went! She reached down, snatched the mouse and then withdrew back up. The mouse ended up being consumed in the highest part of her cage, but to my slight...
  9. P

    Still looking for a growth rate chart..

    I've been trying to find a growth rate chart for corn snakes, but such things don't seem to exist. Anyone know where I could find one?
  10. P

    Epoxy putty "gum" - Kneadatite and Milliput

    Didn't see these mentioned here, so I'd thought I mention them to any DIYers. The epoxy putties mentioned - Kneadatite/Green Stuff and Milliput - are basically non-toxic two-part stuff, that resembles somewhat hard bubblegum, is mixed by hand and hardens rock hard in a few hours. So what...
  11. P

    High hide ideas?

    I like the idea of having multiple hides around the vivarium, so today I added a simple kitchen paper tube zip-tied to a branch. I left it for a couple of hours, and it was already being explored by the time I got back, so apparently it might get some use! :) I'd like to add another high hide...
  12. P

    Age-related behavior changes?

    I was thinking about age-related changes, and was wondering if there are some common changes in corn snake behavior at certain ages? I know that all animals tend to have age-related changes to their physiology and behavior at the same time, as for example the changes in hormone balance affects...
  13. P

    Nuppu the Snake: The Grand Escape!

    A photographic documentary about one little cornsnake and his attempt pulling off the great escape! :D Our story begins in a small storebox of a vivarium, where Nuppu the Snake notices that the lid suddenly has gone missing, being replaced by a strange yellow stick.. I'd like...
  14. P

    Willow wood in vivarium?

    I happened to find a bunch of cutdown willow nearby, and got a nice branch to use in a viv. However, willows contain a low dose of salicylic acid, and I have read that salicylic acid (aspirin) is toxic to Brown tree snakes if ingested orally, LD50 at levels of 640 mg / kg (= about 2 pills for a...
  15. P

    Heat on 24/7?

    I acquired a 6-mo cornie a week ago, and I was wondering, she seems to be a bit shy during the daytime, and prefers her hide at the cool end. I haven't seen her at the warm end during the day. I have kept heating pad on during the daylight hours, 75F at cool and 85F at warm end, 8am to 8pm or...