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Recent content by Ruderpinne

  1. R

    Deer horn

    Hey everyone its been awhile! My snake is doing great thanks to you guys lol!! She is growing slowly,she loves me has never struck at me. Anyway so I want to get her something to climb on and everyone wants like 30-50$ for something I like for her and Im not going to pay that much for it...
  2. R

    Moving 14 hour drive

    best way to keep my snake alive? Not sure how to transport her so any advice?
  3. R

    UTH question

    Ok so I have had the UTH on for quite some time and have had the heat lamp on as well (over protective I guess lol) I hardly ever see her on the UTH I have been turning the Lamp down a little more and a little more to see if she will go over to the UTH when she is cold but have not seen her...
  4. R

    A little worried...

    Ok so in another thread I made someone told me to take him to the vet for possible RI. Found out fable is a She btw. So She does have RI (very little he said) and gave us meds for her. She takes very very little lol, every other day (just found this out yesterday) so she is supposed to get...
  5. R

    I think he tried to hurt me.....

    Ok so I dont think he is blueing yet which makes me worried a little. Anyhow I get him out to play with him right? :cool: Until he decided to wrap his entire body around my finger and start to squeeze and im like wtf!!!! This wasnt a easy squeeze but it was not what I would call hard and he...
  6. R

    Hmmm is he retarded?

    Ok I have had my corn for a little over a month and he still has not shedded so I am worried. Today he made me ask if he is retarded he is slithering around digging his face into the aspen..... whats he doing tomorrow is feed day so hmmmmm help?
  7. R

    A few questions yet again

    Ok guys so I am about to clean my lil snakes cage (tomorrow marks a month together!!!!!) Anyway what is the best bedding aspen right? Petsmart have it or do I need to find a cooler place to get it lol. Also I want to get more stuff for him to climb on or play with (I know more stuff I have to...
  8. R


    Ok so I dont know where to put this so basic care seemed ok. I handled my buuuuudy and put him back up and completely forgot to wash my hands about a hour later I ate chicken wings..... So am I in trouble or slim chances or what? If I am in trouble what do I need to do or look for? I cant...
  9. R

    Tip for handling your snake?

    Ok so we have had our snake (my gf and I) for over a week he was fed almost 48 hours ago. I told her I would attempt to hold him tomorrow, Im kind of nervous of getting bit or w/e even though his mouth is small it cant hurt that bad. On a plus I got home and I went to check on him and he came...
  10. R


    Ok so my gf just fed her snake (fable) for the first time he was very hungry it took him a minute to strike but once he had it, it was on!!! So I got him in his other cage for eating and he finally went into his hide for the first time ever!!!!! My question is I know he has to be their for 24...
  11. R

    Medic in Training from NOVA

    Hey everyone just got my GF a valentines day present... Anyone guess what it is? :cool: Just bought him a new tank (that one in the picture) and 2 hiding spots under tank heater. I have a thread about it in basic care, my gf loves him and is researching info. First post was in the...
  12. R


    Hello everyone I got my gf a corn snake for valentines day!!! 200$ later LOL after buying everything no big deal long as shes happy. She is loving it doing all kinds of research right now but I need some quick answers the guy at the store told us not to get the lamp to close to the cage and...