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Search results for query: *

  1. L

    HELP! Cant get password for my real account

    I have been a member for 10 years or so. LindsayMarie, but I cannot figure out the password and when I put my e-mail to try and reset my password, only this temp name LindsayMarie81 came up and reset that password. I tried calling Rich, I am so frustrated. How do I get the pw for my long...
  2. L

    High End Corns wanted

    Looking for groupings of high end morphs (adults, subadults, hatchlings). Let me know if you think you can help? :) Thank you, Lindsay
  3. L

    Anyone Attending the White Plains Show, please read?

    If your attending and need frozen mice please contact me here, e-mail, or call 518-879-5820. My daughter has like no clothes, im hurting for money bad and I dont know where to turn. Hopefully I can get help here. thank you, Lindsay Marie