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Search results

  1. Cuddles

    Chillin in the Tree

    Found this beauty the other day: :dancer: Just kidding. That is my Nibbs, and I put him there. :crazy02:
  2. Cuddles

    36 Boarders Simulate Tetris!!

    Sick video...neons and boarding = a good time...what do you guys think of this idea? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoU6RfuP0V8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoU6RfuP0V8
  3. Cuddles

    I saved a snake today!!!

    Well...not yet, and he isnt a corn. But he is a tiny booger. I was informed that people at my office found him on one of those glue rat chatcher things. We didnt know what to do, we were about to cut off his head, but I waited...and thought....Ill call the company! Found out that oil based...
  4. Cuddles

    He Never Moves, Unless..

    So Ive had my corn, Nibbs, for some time now. Ive noticed that he never moves unless there is some outside noise. I brought him into work today because we lost power at my house and I didnt want him freezing. He has been moving around a lot (contributing factor could be my chair moving on the...
  5. Cuddles

    Anery + Wide Angle Lens = A Good Time

    Just got a new wide angle lens! and you know what that means...time to take Nibbs outside for a photoshoot! Enjoy
  6. Cuddles

    Frozen Mice Thawed...Now What?

    So I was moving Nibbs to a new house and I left the mice out of the freezer for around 18 hours. They are now all thawed out. I threw them back in the freezer as soon as I remembered. Im just worried that it's too late, and once thawed...you can not refreeze them. Just wanted to verify if that...
  7. Cuddles

    Skip a Few Meals

    How much would it affect the snakes growth if you missed a few meals and fed 3-5 days after they were supposed to eat? Could you just get back on schedule and have the snake not be any smaller than it would have been when it is full grown?
  8. Cuddles

    Feeding Time!

    Well actually it was right after feeding time. Nibbs told me to snap some glamour pictures of him (actually he was trying to escape his feeding box). So I grabbed my camera and we had a real quick photo shoot.
  9. Cuddles

    New Camera Gear, New Snake Pics!

    Just wanted to try out my new lens. The focus is a bit off on both of these pictures :( . Nibbs is getting bigger though!
  10. Cuddles

    What do you use?

    One or two spaces after punctuation? I have a lot of co-workers that swear that its two spaces after punctuation. I (being 20 years younger then them) have never heard of such a thing until I researched it and found that it was used in the typewritting day because fonts were not proportionate to...
  11. Cuddles

    I got a striker!

    The other night Nibbs took a strike and constricted the hopper I gave him! It was the coolest thing EVER! Ive had him about a year now and this is the first time he has done it. Ive seen him strike, but never constrict. It was kind of like this :grabbit: Do any of your snakes constrict?
  12. Cuddles

    New snow!

    Just wanted to show off the new purchase (that wont eat :( ). None the less, here is Pepty!
  13. Cuddles

    New snow not eating!

    So I picked up another corn snake and have them sitting in the same tank as my other snake Nibbs now, they love each other :sidestep: Ok now that I have your attention, I dont have them cohab'd. I recentally picked up this snow corn and tried to feed him a few days after I got him. He was...
  14. Cuddles

    Fun with a lightbox

    I made a lightbox today for pictures and thought to myself 'I havent put up pictures of my snake in some time'. Here is Nibbs.
  15. Cuddles

    Feeding by hand?

    I did this the other night kind of by accident. Anyone else do this? Could this cause any problem? PS: It was pretty cool :crazy02:
  16. Cuddles

    Dinner time!

    Havent posted here in awhile, but here is a pic of my Nibbs. He is getting some nice yellow around his neck now.
  17. Cuddles

    Older pictures of Nibbs!

    Found these on my computer. They are about a month ago.
  18. Cuddles

    HELP! Do you have Word 2007?

    I have a class soon and forgot to save my document in the Word 97-03 format. I was wondering if anyone could convert my paper from Word 07 to the 97-03 format. Please provide your email address if you can and Ill be emailing you shortly. Thanks. Ive tried downloading the package for...
  19. Cuddles

    Lovin' the cold

    I dont know what it is about my corn, he really just doesnt ever move. Well it has been a few days and he has been on the cold side. I recently replaced a hide on the warm side with a box. I also put an identical box on the cold side. I dont know what it is but he has been on the cold side for...
  20. Cuddles


    Just wanted to get a picture up of my snake. I bought him in December, and Im thinking he was born a month before. Is he just a normal corn?