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Search results for query: *

  1. jesserca

    My Pontiac is two!!!!

    Here is some pics of my malamute Pontiac who recently turned two. He is a sweet dog who has really come into his own during the past two years.
  2. jesserca

    Not really new...more like returning

    Hi all its been a while since I posted. Back in September I got a promotion and have been working tons and tons since. Because of this I found myself without any time and over my head :sobstory: But I have missed this place and thought I would start popping my head in again. We have really got...
  3. jesserca

    WIR September 12th-18th

    Hey guys its WIR time!!! I know that some people have missed their weeks so I tried to make this one super awesome.... it probably didn't happen but, hey atleast we know I tried. :nope: Also I don't know how to imbed links into single words so if anyone knows how to do that so my WIR looks...
  4. jesserca

    My new pick-ups Taiwan Beauties and a bubblegum

    Went to a show in Illinois on Sunday and picked up these three beauties. First we bought a pair of Taiwan Beauty snakes. We have been wanting some of these for a while and the guy we bought them from was very knowledgeable and had alot to say about the snakes, which is always a plus for me, to...
  5. jesserca

    Bloodreds and normal hatchlings for sale.

    We have bloodred 66% het charcoal and normal het. amel, motley, bloodred 50% charcoal babies. I am asking $40 for the bloodreds and $20 for normals. Sadly I cannot ship the snakes so they are pickup only I would consider meeting as I know there isn't a ton of us Missouri people around. :crazy02...
  6. jesserca

    WIR August 8-14, 2010

    Hello everybody its that time again for the Week in Review. As always please wait till I'm done to post a reply. Thanks!!! :crazy02: New Members Stop by and say hello to our newest members! Tide13NC BigMamma freek0nature greenman serpent_me quixoft Ohio ironhead Jared O. frutay88 Crownz...
  7. jesserca

    My most beatiful snake, skittles.

    Here is my pride and joy skittles, my BRB. He shed last night so I have some before and after pictures. Enjoy! Before: After with light directly on him: After with out light directly on him:
  8. jesserca

    Holy huge snake!

    Okay not really, someone just sent me this pic on facebook asking if any of my snakes would get this big... the pic states the snake is 100ft. It made me laugh but sad that someone would believe it. Anyway thought I would share :crazy02: Good for some giggles.
  9. jesserca

    Motley and stripe questions.

    So I have good hold on genetics all except motley and stripe combos. So I have some questions about some snakes I own. I have a vanishing stripe normal who is just beautiful so is vanishing stripe its own gene or is it more a line bred look? If I breed it to a normal stripe would they be het...
  10. jesserca

    Please help me.

    Our first clutch has been hatching for a few days. The parents are both bloodred het charcoal, and so far all the hatchlings have been nice bloodreds. Today the 12th egg hatched out and when I first saw it I was taken aback at how the snake looks. It has a diffused head and belly but the pattern...
  11. jesserca

    My first pippies!!!!

    Hey what a great way to start the morning with five little heads poking out looking at me, there are still 8 eggs left, I wish they would hurry I can't wait to meet them all! The parents are both Bloodred het charcoal, so I'm looking forward to some pewters hopefully. Fingers crossed!
  12. jesserca

    Okay this is just ridiculous.

    So today we took the dogs out swimming, both love water, but our shepherd, Camaro, refuses to get in water over her shoulders and freaks out badly when she is doing anything more than wading. Well I was trying to get her to come out into deeper water and misjudged the depth thinking she could...
  13. jesserca

    The whole shebang. All 14 of them!....and eggs.

    While cleaning out cages I decided I would take pics of the whole crew, some of the pics are okay, some are pretty horrible. But here's my collections with their weights as of today. These are in no particular order because... well, I'm too lazy. First up Jack: Bloodred het charcoal. He's the...
  14. jesserca

    Finally we found one!

    We have been searching for a nice black rat snake since last year when we finally moved out of the city and next to the woods, and couldn't find one to save our lives. But today was a success! My husband found this beauty while mowing the lawn. He was a bit aggressive, tagged my husband twice...
  15. jesserca

    My Pontiac is one!! (No its not a car)

    So today is my big boy's one year birthday. He is my AKC Alaskan Malamute. He is the only dog I have ever owned that wasn't a mutt, and he has sold me on malamutes. He has the best personality the only downside is the amazing amount of hair that covers my house daily. lol. So here is a mini...
  16. jesserca

    Mmmmm butter

    Here's out little guy. He's a butter motley/stripe. I couldn't get any really good pics of him, he would not stay still for anything. But he's such a cutie!
  17. jesserca

    Herping in Missouri and tornado aftermath

    My husband and I went out yesterday to this spot that we always go to to camp and shoot our guns. Its a nice secluded place and always ton of critters around. I knew that there had been tornado sightings in that area but I hadn't heard if any had actually touched down. So I was a little...
  18. jesserca

    My first eggs :D

    After being patient for 14 days after my female shed I finally peeked in this morning and found eggs! It was at 6:20am and I had to leave for work so I woke my poor hubby up to take care of them....you could say I was excited. ;) She laid 17 eggs altogether and only 4 slugs. Not bad. The pairing...
  19. jesserca

    Review on General Exotics?

    I have been dying for a Russian Rat snake and I found this site, granted they do not have any right now, but I signed up for an email if they get any. They have good prices, but I have never heard of them. Here's the website. http://www.generalexotics.com/ Any comments would be helpful. If you...
  20. jesserca

    I'm one of THOSE people...

    Who celebrate my dog's birthday! :D Here is a quick progression thread of my pup Camaro, she is two today. When I got her she was a tiny scared little dog. She was a rescue and was afraid of everything, especially men. Now she is a confident dog, who still has her reservations about men, but...