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Search results for query: *

  1. So Pirate55

    Sunkissed Anery

    I noticed everyone was griping about Steve Roylance not producing anything worth looking at. So, I figured I'd spare him the pain, and bought this guy off of him. I've been waiting for a window to get this guy shipped to me for about 2 weeks now. All I can say is, "ehh, he's ok". Seriously...
  2. So Pirate55

    Butter Okeetee Progression Thread

    After being suggested in the Daytona Thread, I've decided to start a progression thread for this female butter that I picked up this weekend. She's butter okeetee from Lee Abbott and already developing great color. I try to keep this updated as best as possible as she grows up. Body Pattern...
  3. So Pirate55

    OK obviously i've been away from corn cultivars for way too long

    So are the "Cinder" and "Ashy" just a trade name for the Anery C's that popped up a few years back?
  4. So Pirate55

    It's been a while...

    First let me start by saying that if this the wrong place for this thread, then i'm sorry mods. Anyhow i'm not a new member but it has been a long time since i've even popped in to check out the forums, much less post. In the time since i've been gone i sold off nearly all my snakes except for...
  5. So Pirate55

    Daytona ?

    couple random questions. Good place to stay other than hilton? Places to eat? Who's going? Will i need to purchase tickets ahead of time or at the door? any other tidbits about interesting things to look out for would help as well, considering this will be my first time attending that show. i...
  6. So Pirate55

    Newspaper ?

    I've used newspaper as a substrate for the last 3 years and have yet to have any trouble with it. In fact, it's much easier than some other substrates i've found, granted it's not as attractive. The question i have is that i've heard lots of people say that using color inked paper is not safe...
  7. So Pirate55

    Man, It's been a while....

    since i've even looked at the boards, much less posted. So how is everyone? but more importantly what new morphs have come about that has everyone flipping their lids trying to get? or even worse, trying to come up with a catchy name
  8. So Pirate55

    Helix people...

    Lend me your ears. OK all jokes aside, i've managed to misplace my trouble shooting guide that came with my helix thermostat (DBS-1000), and my check system light came on today. I've tried holding the button down, pressing it for just a second and still no luck. After pressing the button for...
  9. So Pirate55

    Columbia SC Show July 16

    I read where this is a one day hot show. The show in raleigh this past april was lacking so far as corns go other than the fact i got to meet Kathy Love. Normally i'd just wait and go to the Raleigh show in September but that happens to be our home opener in football, so that's a no-go. Has...
  10. So Pirate55

    Possible Hybrid

    Background: The following corn was bought march of 2004 as a extremely early 2004(guess the breeders didnt follow the "seasons") Anywho, i got her from local mom and pop petshop. she was labeled as an albino cornsnake. I had only had my first corn for a couple months, so naturally telling...
  11. So Pirate55


    i know it's been asked before and i did a search to find a nutritional chart, but to be quite honest, i'm not really sure exactly what i'm looking at. My question to some of the experts on here, could i feed my snakes exclusively on hamsters? or would it be too hazardous due to amounts of fat...
  12. So Pirate55

    Fresh Shed Pictures.

    This is my '04 okeetee that i picked up from Kathy Love this summer. The picture of him beside the water bowl shows his pattern off and the others were just me trying to get a feel for this new camera.
  13. So Pirate55

    Pictures finally

    OK this is my first stab at snake photography and they're not great by any means, but oh well. Anywho, i've been saying i'm gonna get pictures up here for ever and now i finally do. Introducing: Dakota-Normal (from miami stock) Peaches- Amel Sparks- Okeetee who of course had to be in blue...
  14. So Pirate55

    Would somone be so kind...

    ...as to either post a picture or gimme a link to a picture of an Amber Belly shot? I got one this weekend and i'm a little concerned at the boldness of the checkers on its belly. They're a little bolder than what i expected.
  15. So Pirate55

    sudden striping

    I have a normal (miami but not a perfect specimen but i love her the same) and lately i've noticed that she's starting to develop some darker striping down her back. It almost looks like the striping on a yellow ratsnakel, but she's full corn according to the guy i got her from. So what i'm...
  16. So Pirate55

    Feeding ?

    Ok, my cousin's hamster recently gave birth and the lil critters are about the size of fuzzies right now. What i'm asking, is it ok to feed a corn hamsters? If yes, then i'd only be using hamster pinkies and peach fuzzies b/c the grown ones are too fat for my snakes. The reason i asked this...
  17. So Pirate55

    Pirate to the Rescue!!!

    Pirates are the mascot of ECU (my school) so that's where my name came from but anywho.... I got off work today about 3 and i'm about to set foot in my appt complex when i see one of the yardmen jump back and yell to his coworker, "whoa it's a copperhead!, grab the hoe." Even if it was a...
  18. So Pirate55

    morph ? about feeding.

    Are there certain morphs that are prone to be nonfeeders more than others. We've never had problems with any of our snakes, but we only have 3. I was just wondering b/c i'm definately looking to expand my collection this summer with the arrival of the 2004's.
  19. So Pirate55

    Personal taste?

    Woohoo, a lurker that's finally gonna make a thread. Not exactly sure where to put it b/c it wasnt a genetics issue, but i guess b/c it deals with morphs, this is just a good as anywhere. Is it anyone out there who prefers the "less vibrant" morphs? Dont get me wrong, i think Amels, Ok's...