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  1. LittleFrog

    Vastra makes a pretty bracelet!

    I haven't been on in a while, but thought I'd share this pic I took a little while ago of my vanishing stripe anery, Vastra. She's getting prettier with every shed, and I thought it was so funny when she decided to wrap herself around my hand like a bracelet, lol. Gotta love snake hugs!
  2. LittleFrog

    I have the goofiest snakes

    I was too surprised to get pics, but Vastra, my yearling vanishing anery stripe, just used my hand to hold her mouse while she ate! Literally picked it up, plunked it into my palm and started swallowing! Never had anything like that happen before, lol.
  3. LittleFrog

    Escaped snake finally found - questions

    I hadn't posted about this yet, but Trillian managed to escape her viv back in February. Still don't know how she managed it, but she somehow slid the sliding doors open, got out, and closed them behind her, because they were closed when I discovered her missing! I've been searching for her...
  4. LittleFrog

    Best Sunday Ever!!

    Can't post about this on FB yet, because I want to surprise my family when it arrives on May 1, but I'm bursting to tell someone, so I'm posting here, lol. Yesterday was my 6 month anniversary with my boyfriend, and he chose to celebrate it by having my pick out the most gorgeous promise ring...
  5. LittleFrog

    Kaa got renamed Mr. GrumpyPants for the day

    Can't blame him completely though, lol. He timed his shed badly, so he missed his last feeding, which means he went about 3 weeks without being fed, THEN he had his first ever stuck shed with me, it was stuck on his head and eyecaps, so I had to soak him and gently rub it off, which he did NOT...
  6. LittleFrog

    Strax, my Giant African Bullfrog

    Just realized, I'd never posted pics of Strax, my most recent acquisition here! I picked him up during the Boxing Week sales at the end of December. He was about six months old at the time, and is just so much fun! He's grown some since then, I haven't measured him, keep forgetting to, but...
  7. LittleFrog

    Dang Boxing Week sales!

    Couldn't resist, yesterday I was FINALLY able to get my very first frog! I picked up a six month old Giant African Bullfrog during the Boxing Week sales at Petsmart. A fellow from my local herp group works at that store and is almost certain he is male, so I've named him Straxx. He's a good 5 or...
  8. LittleFrog

    ANOTHER new snake!

    I picked up my latest snake on Wednesday. I wasn't planning on adding a fifth so soon, but a few days after I got Sif, a member of my local Herp group messaged me on FB. He had rescued a snow stripe corn snake from his brother. His brother had had it for two years and neglected it badly...
  9. LittleFrog

    I tried, I really tried ...

    To go to a reptile expo and NOT bring anything home, lol. But, there was a vendor with beautiful and reasonably priced vivs for sale, and another from out of province that was selling gold dust corns! So, Trillian got a new viv, and I got this little girl to move into Trillian's old digs. :)...
  10. LittleFrog

    Madame Vastra Progression Thread (vanishing stripe anery)

    This is Madame Vastra, my new vanishing stripe anery from Gary at Crazy Colubrids. I got her last week, and decided to start a progression thread for her. :) This is the pic Gary sent me when he set her aside from me Settling into her new home last Tuesday. This girl is so bold, she does...
  11. LittleFrog

    Kaa is growing fast!

    Snapped this pic the other night, he's getting so big! 11 months, and I measured him using the serpwidget app this weekend, and he's 2 feet 8.5 inches already! :)
  12. LittleFrog

    New snake about to arrive - so excited!

    I bought this lovely, lovely girl from Gary at Crazy Colubrids, and she's on the truck for delivery, should arrive anytime now! So Excited!!!!! Thank you so much Gary for being willing to hold onto her for me until now!
  13. LittleFrog

    New snake

    I was lucky enough to pick up this girl at the reptile expo last weekend. The seller had her labeled as a charcoal anery. He wasn't the breeder, but he had purchased her at our expo two years ago and the breeder at the time had told him that that was her morph. She's 3 feet, 9 inches long and...
  14. LittleFrog

    Officially joined the "Bite Club"!

    I was feeding Kaa last weekend, and had just put him in his feeding bin. He was all excited, as usual, and lifted his head up past the hinge of the lid, so I went to nudge him back down so he wouldn't get pinched when I closed it. Big mistake, lol, he was in total feeding mode and nailed me...
  15. LittleFrog

    Adult hide dimensions?

    It's going to be a long while before Kaa is large enough to need an adult hide, but a friend of mine is going to be building the decor for her new lizard viv soon, and has offered to help me make the hides and decor for Kaa's viv at the same time, and I can't pass up the opportunity! :) Thing...
  16. LittleFrog

    Avatre is missing! :'(

    I must be the worst snake mom ever! I had Avatre out, and as usual, she climbed up the sleeve of my bathrobe and settled in to sleep, so I grabbed a nearby book and read a little. Went to take Avatre back to her viv, and she wasn't in my sleeve anymore! She somehow slipped out without my...
  17. LittleFrog

    Avatre, my new Amel

    Hey all, I posted some of these pics in my intro thread, but thought I should start a picture thread for my new girl. :) This is Avatre, she's my first corn snake, and I'm already thoroughly in love with her after just 1 week! :) Here she is the day I got her. I snapped a quick pic just...
  18. LittleFrog

    New (soon to be) snake owner!

    Hi there! I've been reading up a storm on there the last few days, and it looks like a great forum! I've always loved snakes and always wanted one, but my mom has always been terrified of them, so it was never an option, and when I finally got my own place, I was too broke, lol. But, years...