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Search results

  1. B

    Gah! Help me!

    Snapping pics of my jungle carpet shedding I notice Irwin, my 3 yo corn is wigging out, curling around all over himself and trying to do something to his head. He just ate half an hour ago, no problem. So I thought he might just have the tail stuck somehow? This was a frozen/thawed rat pup, no...
  2. B

    I have way too many fuzzy mice!

    Hey guys. I live in the Minneapolis area, and have 50 or so frozen small/fuzzy mice I will never use. I used to have a lot more corns, but have moved into pythons and now even my babies are eating rats. Theyse mice are free to the first person who wants to come and get them. They are about 9...
  3. B

    My amel wished me a Happy Thanksgiving tonight. . .

    Thanksgiving is a great time for getting together with family and friends and enjoying the day off of work. It's also a great time to bite according to my amel female. Last Thanksgiving was the first time I was ever bitten by one of my snakes after owning 5 of them for a full year. My amel bit...
  4. B

    Daytona!!! again. . . who'se there??

    Earlier this year I asked who is going to Daytona and didn't get much of a reply. Too early, I guess. It will be my first time to Daytona and my first reptile expo ever. I can't wait to get there, and also, I am concerned with the fact that if I buy some snakes there, how do I get them home? I...
  5. B

    So this must be breeding season. . .

    Lately all of my snakes have been hyped up. Increased activity, and definitely increased feeding response. Tonight I was doing the usual cage cleaning, corns first. I have two 2001 corns, male and female I assume- neither has been probed, but looking at tails and what I was told by who I...
  6. B

    Daytona expo and corns

    This year I plan on attending the Daytona expo for the first time. I'm extremely excited to see everything there-- and was thinking about picking up another corn or two. I know when I visit certain tables I won't be able to stop myself. Who else plans on attending? What's it like? And most...
  7. B

    Corn snake tattoo

    Yep, I got a tattoo of a normal corn on my foot in February. It turned out all right. I designed it myself. Let me tell you snakes and tattoos are equally addictive- you can't have just one. I'm on my third tat and my fifth snake, three of which are corns and I don't see myself stopping either...
  8. B

    Penny the amel

    Here's a pic I took of my yearling amel, Penny. She is a bit fiesty, but I still love her, especially because she becomes quite active at night and it's nice to sit back and watch her cruise around. As you can see from the bottom right corner, this pic was taken right after she shed. Enjoy...
  9. B

    Normal little Irwin

    I just finished this painting of my normal yearling, Irwin and had to show it off to someone. It is acrylic on a 9x12 canvas. What do you think? I can still change it if I missed anything that looks "off." <img src="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/242irwinptg.jpg"> I did "enhance" the...
  10. B

    Me and my biggest corn-- 48"

    Okay, so it isn't a living cornsnake, and there are more than one of them! The pics of Rich and Kathy thread inspired me to post this, but I didn't want to take away from the thread by sticking my ugly mug in there! The pic is of me in front of two of my paintings at my senior college art...
  11. B

    Nice after-eating shot

    I took this quickly after Irwin finished his hopper last night, before he re-aligned his jaw. I didn't know his tongue was sticking out until I uploaded it. Looks pretty satisfied. He's so cute! <img src="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/242jaw.jpg">
  12. B

    My newest little corn

    It's "only" a little anery, but it's a great little snake. Nice personality, eats great and is cute as a bug. Plus, it makes my yearlings seem so huge! <img src="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/242chaos.jpg">
  13. B

    Quite possibly the stupidest question you've ever heard. . .

    . . .might just be this one. I even suspect I already know the answer, but I need some reassurance. I just want everyone to know that I KNOW it's a stupid question and I won't be doing this any time soon, but: Is it ever, or can it ever be safe to put a snake in your mouth? Not the whole thing...
  14. B

    Quarrantine quandary

    Just when I decided I wouldn't get any more snakes for a while, an offer I can't refuse has come by and it looks like I'll be recieving a couple anery hatchlings. My problem is I don't really have a place to quarrantine the little guys from my other snakes. The place farthest away from my...
  15. B

    Movies of corns eating

    I took a couple quicktime movies of my corn snakes eating. They turned out OK. Here's a link:<br> <a href="http://hungrymedusa.tripod.com/snakes.html">My Snakes</a><br> The one of my amel Penny turned out best. Let me know what you think. Also, modem users beware.
  16. B

    It's a sign!

    Here is one last pic of Irwin from my outdoor photo shoot. Considering that he is a 26-inch (almost) yearling with a tiny little head, I think it's pretty good. <p> <img src="http://gallery.kingsnake.com/data/242irwinlook.jpg"> <p> I've been thinking about getting one last corn (for now) and...
  17. B

    Corn snake or cobra?

    Well, he doesn't have a hood, but this pic reminds me of a little cobra. <p> <img src="http://gallery.kingsnake.com/data/242najagutatta.jpg">
  18. B

    Corn snake kiss. . .

    Here's my amel and normal getting to know each other after a little photo shoot in the sun. <p> <img src="http://gallery.kingsnake.com/data/242kiss.jpg">
  19. B

    My darn amel and her new behavior. . .

    My amel has been high-strung since I brought her home 3 months ago, but I thought we were making progress. Now the last few times in the past 2 weeks I have handled her, she's decided it would be fun to musk me, and her tail-rattling happens much much more frequently. Of course, I hang on to her...
  20. B

    Cats-- Second Entry

    Well, here is my second try. I tried to just sit back and have fun with this one without worrying about using computer graphics so much. Let me know what you think. I'm still working on #3.