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Search results

  1. D

    Egg Bound or Just on Her Own Timeline?

    Greetings, I'm sure this has been addressed before, but I'm not having the best luck finding it. My 5 year old female is giving me a run for my money. I'm hoping the experienced breeders will know what she's all about. She was bred in early March - they spent a few days together, so I can't...
  2. D

    Is she, or is she not?

    Greetings :) I have been waiting for my 3.5 year old amel to lay eggs for quite some time. She and my male have been housed together, and were first observed :dancer:ing Feb 7th. He chased her around quite a bit after that, and were seen doing their business a number of times after. She shed...
  3. D

    Calling All Experts.

    Last year, I had some great advice from this site on Field Herping while I was on vacation. This year, I'm headed out again, and since I know nothing about your respective areas, I'd love some advice on some of the best spots to do a little field observation, and what field guide you might...
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    My Newest Family Member

    I picked this little girl up at the Toronto Expo on Sunday. Thanks Ruth (Hanney's Corns) for all of your help and support - I can tell that you truly love all of your creatures. The picture is the one sent to me by Ruth - after all of the trauma getting her home, I wanted to let her be for a...
  5. D

    Determining Under or Over Weight Corns...

    I have been searching around and paying close attention to threads that discuss the overall 'look' of cornsnakes. There have been many threads where members point out to others that their snake looks underweight or overweight, but I'm having a challenge deciding what overweight and underweight...
  6. D

    My junior field herper and his discovery

    Hi all, My best friends son, who is 5 phoned me up yesterday to tell me that he found eggs in his sandbox. Turtle eggs he said. The thing is, when he brought them over to show me, they looked long and oval shaped, and all of the turtle eggs I've seen are round. They are pliable, and 3 of the...
  7. D

    A Challenge!

    Ok, so it's not really a challenge so much as a shameless plea for cash. In September I will be walking 60 km in the name of breast cancer research in Toronto. Across Canada there are 4 cities hosting this walk, and many more across the US. One in nine North Americans will be affected by this...
  8. D

    Cost-Effectiveness of Mousies

    Greetings again to all - I've been reading for some time, all of the threads that discuss how much time is needed to raise mice and rats. I am also hearing how much they stink. My question to all of you then is: Is it really cost-effective to raise your own feeders? Factor in the time, and all...
  9. D

    Another Crisis Averted

    I just love reading all of the success stories and anecdotes on this site, so I thought I would share another of mine. Harriet (the new amel), had yet to eat. We're talking 3 plus weeks, and while I know better than to panic at this point, I can't help worrying. She's only eaten 4 times in...
  10. D

    Introducing....the newest member of our family!

    I have been on the prowl for a while now for a new snake. I was SURE that I had settled on butter motley (thanks Simon and Caroline for helping me out). Last night I took my best friends son to pick up a snake of his very own (a snow he has been waiting patiently for), and fell in love with...
  11. D

    Field Guide Recommendations...

    On the heels of that great 'what's in your library' thread by mbdorfer, I would like to ask some advice. This summer my best friend and I will be driving from Ontario to the Grand Canyon. We will head through Flint, Chicago, Oklahoma City etc and come home by heading north first into Colorado...
  12. D

    Chromosomal or Temperature Based?

    Because I lead a boring life and have nothing better to do, I often find myself sitting around wondering how the world works...which brings about a question for the genetics geeks among us... Is the sex of a hatchling determined by the incubation temperature of the eggs like it is with turtles...
  13. D

    The Fine Art of Escape...

    So there I am calmly spending some bonding time with Chester, listening to music, minding my own business...and then the phone rings. I don't know if it was my reaction, or what, but Chester was spooked. That or he saw his oportunity and decided to "sieze the day". The little bugger jumped (or...
  14. D

    Hanging Skin...the surprise shed

    Knowing that Chester is probably ready to shed soon, I've been waiting for him to go blue.... As I watch him right now, he has skin hanging off of his back...apparently I missed the blue part. (I'm assuming it was over the weekend when I wasn't here). I have read thru a few strings to see what...
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    Toronto Show

    So I keep hearing about this herp show in Toronto in February (i think), and did a search...no dice (of course I'm almost positive I did it wrong, but hey I tried). Anyone care to share some information (when, where, etc). Thanks :wavey:
  16. D

    Regurge is Imminent??

    Ok...so I just fed chester (one f/t mouse fuzzy) and all went well. Until he tried to shove his fat self into the hide he appears to like best (A terra cotta pot). He only seems to like shoving himself thru the little hole on the bottom and not simply crawl under the lip (who knows why...
  17. D

    testing pic

    lets see if this works...
  18. D

    morph differences

    I am having trouble with the morph of my latest corn. The breeder tells me it is a Miami, but I think it looks more Okeetee. Any ideas on how to tell the difference? I'll post a pic when I can get my camera working... Thanks :)