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  1. Joni Garcia

    Some of the Favorites I Hatched in 2007

    Guess it's been a long time since I posted photos... so, here are some of the favorites I hatched last year. Lavender Motley "Cup of Stripes" Bubblegum Snow het Stripe Bloodred Anery Lavender
  2. Joni Garcia

    Stripes, Stripes, Stripes

    Here are a few of my favorite stripes.
  3. Joni Garcia

    Chipotle - Bloodred

    I haven't been diligent in posting photos of my snakes, but am going to try an do better. :) Here's Chipotle, my male Bloodred het Stripe. His name means smoke-dried jalapeños. Of all the Bloodreds in my collection, I have to admit that he's one of my favorites. Thanks for looking.
  4. Joni Garcia

    Testing, testing

    This is a test.
  5. Joni Garcia

    Don't Tell Me I've Gained Weight

    Don't tell me I've gained weight... cause I KNOW that I still fit into this dress... ummm, I mean deli cup.
  6. Joni Garcia


    Here's my '05 Sunglow Motley girl named Snapdragon. She was feisty right out of the deli cup, and kept the attitude. She was nameless for a year. I didn't want to give her a name that reflected her attitude... but, when I thought of Snapdragon a few months ago, I changed my mind. It fits...
  7. Joni Garcia

    I like being different!

    Well... she's sorting snakes into keepers and sellers today. I don't think she's made a decision on me yet, but I'm hoping that my looks will land me in the keeper pile. :D
  8. Joni Garcia

    Tonight - Terri Irwin Interview

    For those who are interested... Terri Irwin's exclusive "20/20" interview with Barbara Walters is tonight at 10 p.m. ET. I admire Terri for doing an interview. I'm sure it'll be touching and tough for me to watch. The memorial service for Steve was an excellent tribute to his life, and...
  9. Joni Garcia

    Hey... Which way's the exit?

    Hmmm... I'm all confused. Wish somebody would tell me at which end of the egg the exit is. I hate asking directions, so guess I'll just have to try both ends and figure it out on my own.
  10. Joni Garcia

    Playing Follow The Leader

    ~ in best singing voice ~ Do as I'm doing... follow, follow me. Do as I'm doing ... follow, follow me. Okay, sorry about my singing. After they hatched, these guys decided to play follow the leader. At least I can be glad they weren't getting into mischief and thinking up naughty things to...
  11. Joni Garcia

    White Out!

    Okay... maybe they're not white... yet! Snow White, my all white blizzard, gave me a nice pile of 10 little hatchlings.
  12. Joni Garcia

    Ate too much - My pants are too tight!

    I only ate a small pinky, but now my belly is in the way. Darn, I hate it when that happens. I finally gave up and went to sleep until help arrived.
  13. Joni Garcia

    Yea!! He Ate & It's a Boy

    My very first hatchling shed, had a little photo shoot and ate today. I popped him, and yep... it's a boy. He didn't want to cooperate very well for pictures, but I tried to get a couple before he ate. I'm pretty happy, because he struck at the f/t pinkie before I could even get him in the...
  14. Joni Garcia

    My First Pippies & Hatchlings

    My very first pippies peeked their noses out yesterday. Don't ask what I did for the past 30 hours... as I didn't get much done except watch pippies. :sidestep: I know, what a dork but it was so exciting! I saw the first two hatchlings venture from their eggs late this afternoon. I think...
  15. Joni Garcia

    Sad Day to Post Pictures

    As many of you know, I don't get around to posting pictures very often. Too bad it takes something like this for me to get my butt in gear. My favorite girl, Zahra died last night. She was a beautiful Anery Stripe het Bloodred with a wonderful attitude. All my other females have laid...
  16. Joni Garcia

    Snow White Earns Her Name

    Here's my favorite Blizzard. Shhh... don't tell the others! I think she definitely earns her name.
  17. Joni Garcia

    My new 6-pack!

    Sorry... no Abs pictures here. LOL Our darling trio of Hamsters just added a little 6-pack of babies last night. They're the sweetest, friendly little Hamsters (Thanks Carol). They love to be held and play. When we open the container, the girls run over to be held and climb onto our...
  18. Joni Garcia

    Watch Me Shed

    What a 5-star night! I had two snakes start to shed while I was cleaning cages. I couldn't resist getting them out for pictures... and gave this guy a little help too.
  19. Joni Garcia

    My New Hat

    So... How do you like my new hat? _____________________ I was cleaning cages the other night and looked over as he flipped his head upside-down and started rubbing it on his paper towel bedding. When he got back upright, his shed looked like a cute little hat. I couldn't resist getting him...
  20. Joni Garcia

    Should've Knocked on Wood

    Guess I should've knocked on wood when I posted a reply to Carol's "Worst bite so far..." thread. LOL. I said that I'd never been bit by an adult corn. Well, one of my girls decided to fix that problem the next week. I'd say she made pretty good contact too. It startled me, that's for sure...