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Search results

  1. G


    Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew any good sites to read up information about breeding cornsnakes? thanks for any help Greg
  2. G

    feeding question

    Hello all i recently got a new corn snake and she is around a year and a half. i'm not sure since the owner didnt know..i was wondering whether i should feed her one or 2 baby mice every 6 days? any advice would be greatly appreciated.. thanks, greg
  3. G

    heat questions

    Hello.. I have some questions regarding how hot the tank should be.. i have a heating pad on the hot side of the tank, is this enough?..cuz when i take her out of the tank to hold her she feels kinda cold..should i put a small heat the hot side also? thanks for any help greg
  4. G

    shedding problems?

    Hello, this is my first time owning a snake and its the first time i have experienced my snake shedding...and i was wondering how long does it usually take for them to shed... my baby corn has had some skin stuck on the top of his head and and a little after the head but nothing else is...
  5. G

    problems with my corn

    hello all, I 've been having having problems with mites on my snake...i kept thinking they i was getting rid of them but them last night i looked underneath my baby corn snake and he had a bunch under his head ...they were kind of embedded in his skin...so i had to sit there and remove all...
  6. G


    hi.. i noticed yesterday on my corn that there was a little tiny black bug on him....r those mites? and if so what should i do to get rid of them... thanks greg
  7. G

    not hiding

    my baby corn never goes in either of his hiding spots. I have one on the cool side and i have one on the warm side of the tank.. is there anything i might be doing wrong? or is it ok.... thanks greg
  8. G

    handling corn

    I was wondering how long i should wait before i can take my baby corn out of his tank after he eats?...