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Search results for query: *

  1. Checkerbelly

    I hate my computer (its a Gateway)

    I have to vent. I spent $1000 on a brand new Gateway at Best Buy 2 years ago. 4 months later none of the usb ports or headphones jacks or anything worked. Motherboard shorted out or something. I played a month long game arguing between Best Buy and Gateway to get the thing repaired under...
  2. Checkerbelly

    well it finally happened. Stupid Feeding Error

    Pics will follow later today. I took my adult spotted python out last night and carried him arond for awhile. Then I put him in his feeding bin. If he's hungry that usually switches him into eating mode. At that point anything is fair game. Well I dangled the dead mouse in front of him...
  3. Checkerbelly

    Best thing to come home to.

    No, I didn't come home to find that my snake laid eggs. I came home to find an eastern box turtle laying eggs in the middle of my backyard!!! Pics are coming along shortly. Any ideas on how I should protect the eggs from racoons and skunks?
  4. Checkerbelly

    Lydia update.

    Getting beeger. She's eating like a fiend now. She flies out of the cage when I open it. Ready to pounce on yer fingers 'n toes! But once you get her out she's fine. Except for the musk. And the tail rattling. And the biting... Here's her face right before a shed. Swollen glands...
  5. Checkerbelly

    I blew my economic stimulus check

    Thank you Federal Government. :p Smith and Wesson .38 Special snubbie with shrowded hammer and Hogue grip. I've had it for 5 days and I've put 350 rounds through it.
  6. Checkerbelly

    Huxley outdoors

    I had Huxley out in the back yard for a breif period. I had to carefully avoid being seen by the nosey neighbors. Too bad because he really seemed to enjoy exploring the grass. Usually when I put him down he gets scared.
  7. Checkerbelly


    Just posting a photo I took because I'm bored. And I thought it was funny. Don't worry, he loves it.
  8. Checkerbelly

    a grand day out

    Zeus was having the best. day. evar.
  9. Checkerbelly


    Were you expecting a snake? Here's Zeus. Destroyer of prickly dumbells. I'm babysitting him for the week.
  10. Checkerbelly

    yay! non-feeder is eating again

    She had eaten one time December and one time in January. But the other night she took a f/t fuzzy. And 4 days later I pressed my luck and gave her another and she took that too! (Not trying to powerfeed. they were small fuzzies). Such a sense of satisfaction to know that she's sitting...
  11. Checkerbelly

    python in blue

    shiney blue.
  12. Checkerbelly

    Ball pythons - pastel vs. lemon pastel?

    Is there a different between a pastel and a lemon pastel? Is there a genetic difference? Appearance difference? Is it just a name? Thanks
  13. Checkerbelly

    really weird video I made

    I'm still toying around with my video software. Enjoy.:D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRgYCHJMeZU
  14. Checkerbelly

    school an idiot on genetics

    The idiot being me, of course. Say I have a normal male ball python het for nothing. Could I breed it to a female that's het for something and see any visible mutations in the F1 offspring? Or do both snake have to be het? Does it depend on the mutation? I'm just curious. I searched a...
  15. Checkerbelly

    More spotted python fun

    Here's a vid I made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5bTOnk6yiA
  16. Checkerbelly

    Just a vid

    Turns out I have video editing software on my computer. Soooo... here's this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbw2S-dUiA4
  17. Checkerbelly

    Lydia is so emo

    She has tantrums for no reason. She won't clean her plate. Rattles and hisses. Then the next minute she's gentle as a kitten. Until she jumps out of your hands. I actually drove her to the reptile show yesterday and came within inches of using her as payment toward an albino rosy. But I...
  18. Checkerbelly

    test vid

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i62.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid62.photobucket.com/albums/h87/KorbinDallas/MVI_4864.flv"></embed>
  19. Checkerbelly

    giant rat discovered

    Apparently they're 5 times the size of a normal rat. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/12/17/giant.rat.ap/index.html
  20. Checkerbelly

    widget my serp, please

    Anyone with that Serpwidgets program? Please give him a measure. Thanks! Here's a bonus pic because he had just shed.