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Search results

  1. C

    Snake Identification?

    So, yeah. I live sort of in a foresty area.. and we often find wild snakes around our yard. Earlier this year i've seen one or two black rat snakes... But, anyway, my dad saw this one out in the yard and called me out to see it. he thought it was venomous, but i'm pretty sure it isn't.. Doesn't...
  2. C

    BCI Cage Plans

    Hey, i think my parents *might* let me get another snake, and i've wanted a Columbian Red Tail for awhile.. I'd like to have a big snake... and i think BCIs are perfect, since they are pretty big impressive animals, but they still aren't GIANT like a retic or female burm.. Plus, all the Red...
  3. C

    Snake Escape

    Well... i know i always make sure to clamp the lid when i put it back on.. but sometimes my mom opens up his tank just to watch him or whatever. I checked him yesterday to make sure the temps were right and all, but didn't open the tank. So, today i was over at my grandparents' helping to paint...
  4. C

    Buying and Raising Mealworms

    ok.. So, my Leo seems to really LOVE mealies, and i got some "giant mealworms" last week and they're almost gone, except for the few that turned into pupae... I put them in a plastic tupperware container(with holes at the top), with some dry oatmeal and a little orange slice. I was planning on...
  5. C

    New Leopard Gecko :D

    I just got paid today for taking care of my neighbor's dog.. And i convinced my parents to let me have a gecko.. So today i went to the pet shop and got one! I set up the tank yesterday. It's a 15gal.. and i have a heat lamp with a 60 watt nighttime bulb. Also bought calcium and multivitamin...
  6. C

    Leopard Geckos And Hiding Pets From Parents

    Ok. Firstly, i love my parents(and they're great parents, don't get me wrong) but they pretty much hate everything i'm interested in(i wear too much black, i have too many piercings, i talk about snakes and lizards too much, i dress too much like a boy, i'm too liberal, etc.), and this includes...
  7. C

    Tarantulas, Anyone?

    Well, today i was looking around at the pet shop(as i often do), and the guy who works there, who i talk to a lot, said he had a tarantula that he wanted to give away and asked if i wanted a free tarantula. And, yeah, of course i do. So, I got my parents to agree to it, so i'm probably going to...
  8. C

    New Pics Of My Amel

  9. C

    How Are "Reptariums" For Snakes?

    I wasn't quite sure which category to put this in, so i put it here. But, anyway, i was looking on ebay to see if they had any 30gal+ tanks, and at what prices(because eventually i'm going to have to move my baby out of his 10gal when he grows up some more). And i came across these "Reptarium"...
  10. C

    Tail Rattling

    Just a few minutes ago i fed my corn. And i'd seen him wag his tail a little bit before when he gets nervous, but not this much. While he was getting his mouse down, i reached in to change his water bowl, and i heard what sounded like a motor running in his tank. It was his tail against his...
  11. C

    Moved Up To Fuzzies

    Well, i was feeding my little guy three pinkies every five days for a little while... and yesterday i got my order of fuzzies, so i fed him one. It looked pretty big for him, but he got it down fine(even though it took a lot longer than with the pinkies). When he got it down he had a lump, but...
  12. C

    Opening Mouth?

    Well i opened his tank to clean out some poo spots, and my snake was being active around his tank, so i put my hand hear him to see if he'd climb on it. The first time he climbed onto my hand, from there onto his branch.(Since he's due for a shed, i didn't want to take him out, unless he decided...
  13. C


    Well, my corn ate today. Usually after he eats he hides away for a couple days.. but today he's hyper. He ate fine, and i think he's going to shed really soon(but when he shed before he was less active, not more active). It just strikes me as strange. I can't think of why he'd be climbing around...
  14. C

    Swimming In The Water Dish

    Today when i put my snake back into his tank after handling him, he slithered around, took a drink... then he put his head under the water and sort of swam around(but just with the front half of his body, the back half was out of the bowl). Then he would put his head halfway out and peek up at...
  15. C

    Should I Feed More?

    Ok. So I've been feeding my little corn two "small" pinkies every five days since i got him(about a month and a half ago). But he afterward he usually looks like he would eat another.. Actually, i have very little doubt that he would eat another if he could. He'll look around for a little bit...
  16. C


    So, in the past couple days i've found two mites on my snake that i've had for about 3 weeks now. I've checked it over, and those are the only two i've seen.. But i decided i should get some kind of mite treatment to be on the safe side. The only two mite treatments the pet shop had were reptile...
  17. C

    Good Lizards To Get?

    Ok. So, i recently got a corn snake. This has suddenly sparked a huge interest in reptiles. And i've been thinking that i'd really like to have some kind of lizard, too. I want something i'll be able to handle and interact with. Also, preferably something that isn't that expensive to feed and...
  18. C

    Pretty New Amel

    I've had him/her(i just call it a "him", since i don't know) for almost two weeks now. I'm sort of new to snakes, but i'm pretty sure he's an Amel(if there's any other categories his coloring would fit into, please let me know!). I took about 45 pics today, and out of those a got SIX pics with...
  19. C

    New and Improved Pics of Igor

    And my giant hand, of course. ^tying my fingers together ^saying hi to the camera
  20. C

    My Baby!

    Ok. So i finally decided to try to take a picture of my baby corn snake, Igor. I don't know if it's the camera or if i'm just not good at using it, but this is the clearest i could get it. And he had just eaten a few hours before, so i didn't want to disturb him by taking him out. I think he's a...