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1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas


Dakota Corns
I've made the tough decision to try and part with these two beauties. I had every intention of making the attempt to breed these, but life is just too busy with family, teaching, coaching and cornsnakes to really give this a solid effort.

The female was purchased from an acquaintance (in '06 and was approx. 4 or 5 years old then?) and slugged out for him prior to my getting her. The male was purchased as a hatchling in '05 and was raised by me. Neither has ever bitten me, but they've had a moment or two when they've been pissy. Both are eating f/t small to medium sized rats biweekly. The female has gone on hunger strikes during the Fall/Winter which I attribute to possible breeding cycles. :shrugs:

Either way, I'd prefer the opportunity to meet up with someone close to ND as they are big and strong and I've never shipped larger constrictors like these. Ideally anyone from the Twin Cities/Minnesota that could eventually meet in Fargo would be incredible!

Would $600 for the pair be reasonable? Contact me.

Thanks for looking,

(The pictures are from '07, but d0 capture their color very well!)



  • BRB002f3.jpg
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I think 600 for the pair is more than reasonable. Considering they are already breeding size. Have some really nice colors too! Good luck with selling them. :)
Again...why is there no smiley for "mouthwatering" ?!?!?!

Those are very beautiful...and sometime in the future I when I have more room (and money:) ) I plan on grabbing one up....but not now....
Hope you find a buyer :D
Didn't Fargo Wash away yet?
Crossin' our fingers!! :grin01:

But seriously, I'm glad (so far) they've come through the fight successful. I experienced our '97 flood full force, and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Wasn't fun psychologically (live with your MIL for 3 months!) or physically (sandbagging and cleaning out basements is not fun)!

These are the only non-corn snakes for which I lust...... I wish I could make a trip to ND!
Exquisite examples of the species. Well, as I live in the friggin' middle east, it's going to be tough to get them over here eh? :awcrap:

Well, one may dream though :)

Did I ever tell you how handsome I think you are? *wink* Maybe you'd be willing to ship to Chicago for me?

I've got a guy from the cities that may be able to work something out. I'm going to give him a bit of time.

LMK if you decide to ship.:cool:
May need some pointers on materials for shipping large boids if it comes to that.

Did I ever tell you how handsome I think you are? *wink* Maybe you'd be willing to ship to Chicago for me?
I'd love to, but if it comes to shipping, Tom would have first dibs. There's always a "road trip". North Dakota isn't that far from Chicago . . . :D

They are just BEAUTIFUL. Man! I wish I had the cash and the space for them! O.O I'd take them in an instant.
The male looks to be just over 4' and the female roughly 6' or 6 1/2'. That's eyeballed with an educated guess based on them stretched out in their cage.


What kind of setup do you have them in? And I doubt it, but would you be willing to sell them separately? I don't think with everything I'd need to get I'd be able to afford them, but I die a little everytime I see them! I think if I was going to make an "investment" in large snakes, it'd be these guys.
What kind of setup do you have them in? And I doubt it, but would you be willing to sell them separately? I don't think with everything I'd need to get I'd be able to afford them, but I die a little everytime I see them! I think if I was going to make an "investment" in large snakes, it'd be these guys.
They're both in (separate) 40 Breeders right now. If I had my druthers I'd prefer to have the female in a 75, but zero room in my classroom for that. She's able to stretch out and is active, but her water pan and humid hide take up most of the room! I'm sure someone else could recommend a perfect sized tub. As for splitting them . . . I'd really prefer not as it seems as though Tom is my backup plan, and while I haven't yet engaged him in any specifics, I have the impression he's ready to go. ;) I was going to give my contact from the cities a couple more days and then get in touch with him.

Just a quick bump to let you know these are still available. I can probably ship as long as I can get a big enough box with styro from a local pet store. Shoot me a PM if interested. Those that were interested just aren't able to currently pull the trigger. No worries.
