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A couple of pics of some my collection.

I fine the "Interesting for someone who was supposed to make quite the entrance, I expected more." comes across as quite defensive. i wasnt making an entrance at, simply putting my opinions across, just like you were

I do think how ever you will fine meraukes have ALOT of bar necking on them.....ive imported enough to stand firm on my word to this.

I would slightly agree with you that Kofiau do exibit some bar necking but no where near enough to be considered a barneck....as for Jayapura, i have to disagree, this is often a talking point when people tell me this and orginally i thought they were. They are meraukes that are simply shipped from jayapura. its just like the retic lcoalites such as sulawesi retics that are sold as makassar,,,,even though they dont come from that localityes but simply named after the shipping port.

I didnt say there wasnt differnce in WC and CB animals....but i dont feel there is difference in localities...i wouldnt say it was via an inability i have....but more by my experince of what i have noticed from importing and breeding them. But each to there own, i was sharing my opinion as you have shared yours aswell, although yours does come across as slighly more deffensive, rather than a disccusion.


I'm going to be nice as possible here.

1. I do, and know exactly where my snakes came from.

2. the picture you have now posted is a Tiger Phase Barneck.....Barnecks are exactly that 2 to 4 Bars behind the head thus the name "Barneck". If you'll see the large scales on the head and notice the transition from that to small scales of the body (the neck area) you'll notice the bars are on the small scales not the head scales.

3. I don't know where you get this whole Marauke thing because Maraukes look nothing like Barnecks,
they are clouded, and blotched and faded...so I surmise that whoever it is you are importing them from is either taking you for a ride, or something....because it's not a local that that even looks that great "in my opinion"....and isn't even closely able to be mixed up with others.

4. I know, I know....surely this could go on forever and I'm sure it would, as I've delt with quite a few people from your neck of the woods, they all pride themselves on locality, locality, locality....and yet you still end up with Meraukes being Mistaken for Jayas, or Sorongs, or whatever.....honestly I could care less, you want to call your Meraukes Barnecks, fine have at it....I have not the time nor the energy to play name the local. You and I could produce papers all day long and you know niether one of us is going to give.

So I agree to disagree and leave it at that.


I have got this off Jon Griffen though...
[FONT=&quot]Morelia amethistina:

Sorong "bar neck" average size 10-12ft
Merauke or sothern "bar neck" average size 10-12ft
Wamena or cental irian highlands average size 9-10ft
Oxbil or central irian highlands average size 9-10ft
Aru islands average size 9-10ft
Biak islands average size 9-10ft

Morelia nauta: Tanimbar islands average size 6-8ft

Morelia clastolepis: Seram, ambon and buru (formerly known as the seram amethistine average size 10-12ft

Morelia tracyae: Halmerhera and surrounding small islands average size 8-10ft

Morelia kinghorni: Australia average size 12-14ft[/FONT]

I don't have pictures the Maraukes (Southerns) I used to keep....but here's a prime example of the local....

Notice the severe lack of any kind of "barring".

I know who Yasser is and he has some mighty fine snakes, but John Griffen disagrees with your statement....