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New tracking db app

Bug fix and updates

xxxkah said:
it wont work for me its says cant find main class
That sounds like a problem with your Java JRE installation. What OS and setup are you using this on? If it's not Windows, I can only be of minimal help with JRE configs

And in other news, I put another update up, as I found a bug with the date fields. Fixed that, but also have added fields for recording parentage (sire and dam) as well as some stuff for linking to the ACR, or any other similar type registries on the web, if there are any. You can get more details going to the app's webpage: http://savagecorns.com/utils.htm.

Sorry for letting that date field bug get through on the last update. Hope it didn't mess anyone up too bad.
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The more snakes I get, the more I appreciate this program. If I had to track all my snakes with pen and paper, I'd be lost within a week.

Any new features in development?
I'm using the older version of yours now. Will my records transfer over to the new version? If so, I would be happy to test it out for you
Relentless said:
I'm using the older version of yours now. Will my records transfer over to the new version? If so, I would be happy to test it out for you
Which version are you using? He did a major overhaul not long after the DB debuted. The program will automatically backup your data when it installs the update. If you don't have the version with adjustable rack size, you're in for a huge improvement.
if anyone can write a quick howto for installing this on linux machines I'd be very grateful.
Relentless said:
I'm using the older version of yours now. Will my records transfer over to the new version? If so, I would be happy to test it out for you
No data should be lost with any updates, as the db engine has not had any changes.

As far as installing on Linux, I just recently got myself setup with it and was able to get it to run, but I did find a minor glitch that's been fixed. Just want to get it tested a little more before uploading. I'll try to get to that today as well as put up a little more info on getting it to work with Linux.

Having a new baby in the house, I haven't really had time to work on any new features or updates, but I'm always willing to accept suggestions and I save all that I get. I do plan on continuing to work on this beast.

And finally, thanks to everyone who's been using the program and helping me to make it better for all :cheers:
Just a quick note for those interested. The latest update is available and things should be working good now on Linux. I also added some more details to the download page (see link below) for getting up and running on Linux. If anyone still needs more help with it, feel free to email or pm me.
Duff said:
I'm always willing to accept suggestions and I save all that I get. I do plan on continuing to work on this beast.
My suggestion is one I've made before, but it bears repeating. The current choices for recording morphs is limited to "Phenotype", "Genotype" and "Not Exists". There is no way to record possible hets except to lump them under Genotype. I'd prefer to see it expanded from the current three choices six:

Phenotype (would prefer "Homozygous")
Genotype (would prefer "Heterozygous")
66% Possible
50% Possible
Not Exists

This gives a more complete picture of what a breeder is working with, and can let a breeder know which hets need to be proven by test matches. Am I alone in thinking this would be a great improvement? If so, I'll shut up already :rolleyes: :grin01:
jaxom1957 said:
My suggestion is one I've made before, but it bears repeating. The current choices for recording morphs is limited to "Phenotype", "Genotype" and "Not Exists". There is no way to record possible hets except to lump them under Genotype. I'd prefer to see it expanded from the current three choices six:

Phenotype (would prefer "Homozygous")
Genotype (would prefer "Heterozygous")
66% Possible
50% Possible
Not Exists

This gives a more complete picture of what a breeder is working with, and can let a breeder know which hets need to be proven by test matches. Am I alone in thinking this would be a great improvement? If so, I'll shut up already :rolleyes: :grin01:
I debated for a bit early on with what terms to use, but settled on pheno and geno, as those were the terms used on the ACR. I'm willing to change it if makes a big difference, but it would require internal data changes, which makes for a more complex update.

The possible het columns I'll look into adding. They aren't there now, because I was sticking to known genetics. Possible hets can be written out in each animals Notes to keep track. If I do add the possible het columns, I don't think I would add them into any of the genetics calculations, as I feel that only known genes should be calculated for. If you do have possible hets that you want to play around with, you can select them as hets and do different predictions based on different possibilities.
I sent a donation. I have been trying out the scerp program for about a week. I never thought I would need more than a notebook and some index cards, but I have to admit it is nice to be able to look at a virtual rack system and see how many feeders to thaw out, and great to be able to print out the feeding and shed records. Expense tracker is really cool as well. I found out the snakes would have actually made a little money for me last year... if I hadn't bought more snakes!
Thank You!

Glad to hear it's been working out for you so far. I haven't had much time to put into it lately, but if you find anything you'd like to see or any bugs/issues, feel free to let me know.

Thanks for the support! :)
I will.. I have only put in my sales, expenses, and basically what snake is in which rack so far. I had kept all my records in a notebook before this, with a dry erase board in snake room to jot down shed dates etc. So it's going to take me a lot of data entry to switch all my information over to ScerpDB program but I think it will be very helpful in the long run and make it easier to keep track of finances. The only glitch I ran into was one time I opened the program and it prompted me that there was an update available, but wouldn't download it. I was able to do this manually, however, by clicking the link in your signature and going to the page where I first got the program.
I've been meaning to come back to this thread and let you know it is still working great :) I do have one suggestion or perhaps it is something I just haven't figured out yet, but when I sold a snake I right clicked it to clear it out of that rack and the logical choice seemed to be 'archive' but once I do that, all the records and info for that snake is gone. So is there a way to look up this info should you need it again, or once it's gone it's gone?
Thanks again I love this thing!
I've been meaning to come back to this thread and let you know it is still working great :) I do have one suggestion or perhaps it is something I just haven't figured out yet, but when I sold a snake I right clicked it to clear it out of that rack and the logical choice seemed to be 'archive' but once I do that, all the records and info for that snake is gone. So is there a way to look up this info should you need it again, or once it's gone it's gone?
Thanks again I love this thing!


In the file menu, select "show inactive". A new rack will pop up will all your archived snakes.
Thanks Jenni! :) But it doesn't work in my case, I just tried it after I saw your post. No new rack shows when I click 'show inactive' Oh well. I will just make a new 'sold' rack I guess.
when I sold a snake I right clicked it to clear it out of that rack and the logical choice seemed to be 'archive' but once I do that, all the records and info for that snake is gone. So is there a way to look up this info should you need it again, or once it's gone it's gone?
Click File > Show Inactive; Click File > Hide Inactive to revert
... it doesn't work in my case, I just tried it after I saw your post. No new rack shows when I click 'show inactive' Oh well. I will just make a new 'sold' rack I guess.
This is a new one to me. I've used the inactive myself, and haven't had anything disappear on me yet. Not saying it's not possible, but can't think of a reason off the top of my head. Without seeing your database, hard for me to try to find what's really going on, but I'll try to find some time over the next few days to play with it a bit and see if I can't make an archive disappear. I'll let you know if I find anything.

And to those who have been using this and continue to, it's nice to hear that it's been working out. I've got a couple updates in mind that I hope to get to in the next few weeks. One that was brought up was adding barcode scanning, as in a barcode on a printed-out cage card, you scan it and it opens up that animal's data/info window. This was something I've wanted to do from the beginning, but would be a fairly time consuming thing to write. And I'd have to buy a few different barcode scanners for testing. So might work on it in the near future if enough people think they would use it, but gotta see how things go.
I've meant to ask -

Is there any way to set it up so if the snake has a regurge, the program automatically waits 10 days before showing that the snake needs to be fed again?

Thanks again. It IS a really awesome program.