2013 1.0 Sunglow Tessera (Mystic Exotics)
Good old Sunglows are very nice.
In my opinion, they are RedCoat, Red Factor Amels, two genes that were only recently noticed existed, but have been around for a very long time. I also believe they are Patternless, which is another gene that goes unnoticed. They are certainly opposite than a bordered Okeetee.
I certainly did not create RedCoats, but I did notice them in my Landrace Okeetee lines, which is at least one source it can come from, as well as possibly the origins of Bloodred. Red Factor too has been around awhile, but not called anything.
What the @#$%, is the difference? RedCoat is a top layer of red coloration, right on top, and you can see it in the head pattern especially and red on the belly. It also covers up borders or makes them much darker. Red Factor, causes red coloration in the background area and some on the blotches, they are not the same, so there is no need to make a choice between which name is preferred, they are not the same effect or gene.
That is a nice looking Sunglow Tessera you have. Why it is orange instead of red, may be that it also has one of the yellow causing genes, like Buf or Yellow Jacket, again, genes that went unnoticed for many years, until they were singled out by test breedings. A Sunglow may be an Amel, Borderless, RedCoat Redfactor, Yellow Jacket genetically.
My two cents for today. Very nice indeed!