Striped Topaz SK SG Free
2013 RedCoat Bloodred/PS Sunkissed Tessera
My original Tessera het Sunkissed Bloodred, proved to actually be het for Pied-Sided last year when I bred him to a couple of Bloodred het PS females, which produced PS Tessera. This year I took full advantage of this new knowledge and bred him to several RedCoat PS females.
RedCoat still seems to be recessive. The above Sunkissed Tessera and this one were produced by the same group of parents, but none are RedCoats. The Tessera het Sunkissed PS is very red, so I believe he is Red Factor, but doesn't have the top layer of RedCoat over his head pattern. It is possible that RedCoat is co-dominant like Diffused is, but if so, it is not easily seen as het.
I see Red Factor referred to as a co-dominant gene often, or one dose and two doses, which is actually het RF and homo RF. It will be very nice when we know for sure about RedCoat too.
I also believe that PS is an allele to Bloodred and Bloodred is dominant over PS. Just like Striped is an allele to Motley and Motley is dominant over Striped.
It makes since and can be used to predict recovering PS, except some PS don't have white on their sides, just extreme diffusion. The same thing happens with the spotted gene in mammals. Some just have a white face without spots, but are still genetically spotted.
My original Tessera het Sunkissed Bloodred, proved to actually be het for Pied-Sided last year when I bred him to a couple of Bloodred het PS females, which produced PS Tessera. This year I took full advantage of this new knowledge and bred him to several RedCoat PS females.
RedCoat still seems to be recessive. The above Sunkissed Tessera and this one were produced by the same group of parents, but none are RedCoats. The Tessera het Sunkissed PS is very red, so I believe he is Red Factor, but doesn't have the top layer of RedCoat over his head pattern. It is possible that RedCoat is co-dominant like Diffused is, but if so, it is not easily seen as het.
I see Red Factor referred to as a co-dominant gene often, or one dose and two doses, which is actually het RF and homo RF. It will be very nice when we know for sure about RedCoat too.
I also believe that PS is an allele to Bloodred and Bloodred is dominant over PS. Just like Striped is an allele to Motley and Motley is dominant over Striped.
It makes since and can be used to predict recovering PS, except some PS don't have white on their sides, just extreme diffusion. The same thing happens with the spotted gene in mammals. Some just have a white face without spots, but are still genetically spotted.