Oh ho ho do I ever! http://www.ultimatebettas.com/ is like the cornsnakes.com of the betta world. Extremely knowledgeable people on there, tons of good articles and info, and the community is very friendly.
Yeah, cycling a smaller tank is a tad difficult, especially if you do a fish in cycle (which I did) but it's been doing well for me. I do a 30-50% water change every week religiously, so that helps lol. Well, the plants help too. But it does show nitrites so it is indeed cycled. I think it's the best way to go though, personally I'll never keep a betta in an unfiltered tank if I can help it.
Yeah, cycling a smaller tank is a tad difficult, especially if you do a fish in cycle (which I did) but it's been doing well for me. I do a 30-50% water change every week religiously, so that helps lol. Well, the plants help too. But it does show nitrites so it is indeed cycled. I think it's the best way to go though, personally I'll never keep a betta in an unfiltered tank if I can help it.