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Anyone have BIG tanks


I need/want a 'Cane
I built a hood today for my new 65 gal tank. Hopefully Ill be able to get the first coat of stain on it tomorrow. Came out better than I thought it would, I just wish I had a router. I plan to make it a salty.
Thats not me sanding BTW.

Very Nice!

My Bearded Dragon lives in a pretty big tank. Its 5' 9" long, 26" wide, and 26" tall. I got it for free, with 4 adult Beardies and all of the lights, rocks and branches in the tank. My mom's boss gave it to me. I have pics if you would like to see. ;)
Here's my BIG tank...

8'x4'x4' with around 240 lbs of soil in the bottom as substrate for my burmese. And she uses every inch of it.

This was from the setup in March, getting the ceramic heat emitter in place.

And yes, I was wearing sandals with socks, but it's just because i'm cool like that :cool:


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    March 22, 2007 020 (resize).jpg
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TrpnBils said:
Here's my BIG tank...

8'x4'x4' with around 240 lbs of soil in the bottom as substrate for my burmese. And she uses every inch of it.

This was from the setup in March, getting the ceramic heat emitter in place.

And yes, I was wearing sandals with socks, but it's just because i'm cool like that :cool:
Do you have any pictures of the finished enclosure?
TrpnBils said:
Here's my BIG tank...

8'x4'x4' with around 240 lbs of soil in the bottom as substrate for my burmese. And she uses every inch of it.

This was from the setup in March, getting the ceramic heat emitter in place.

And yes, I was wearing sandals with socks, but it's just because i'm cool like that :cool:

haha she must be one happy girl...and a monster :sidestep: haha I havent seen many burm cages that big ...well that tall anyway. She must love the space to play :]
My Burm lives in a large enclosure, not as big as the above but its 8ft x 3ft x 2ft. My Burm is called Freddy and is 10ft long and weighs 22kg. Yours?
I have a big 110 gallon tank in our living room as a display. Right now I have it divided so it can be utilized to house our Adult MBK and our adlut Albino Cali King. We have them set up as natural looking vivariums.
Jay :cool:


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My largest tank right now is only a 29gal. Considering the size of what I'm going to put in it though, it's pretty large. It will eventually house a trio of D. galactonotus (poison dart frogs).
These little guys reach about 2 inches in foot span once they are adults. Here's a juvenile from the breeder's site that I am going to receive my trio from.

Source, Herpetologic.net
So I think that 29 gallons will be a wonderland for them. It will be complete with a false bottom and back drop and hopefully if all goes well a water feature. Sorry, no pics of the 29 gal yet. It is my September project to get the tank started, I have been researching for awhile now. I have a 10gal that I have some plants growing in. I decided that 10 gallons is not enough space for even a pair of frogs.

Here's a small section of the 10gal to give you an idea of what the 29 gal will look like...

ps: The baby tears almost reach the top of the glass lid now!

Well, I guess 29 gallons might not qualify as "big" relative to what some others of you have posted, but it is big for me! The tank is very heavy even with nothing in it! This will definitely be an interesting project for me. I wish I had enough room and enough muscle to get extremely large tanks for all of my animals, snakes included.
Big tanks?

I have 240 and 180 Gallon Freshwater fish tanks
With arrowana Florida Gars and Some big catfish
got some 90 and 100 gals with some False gars and knife fish,
and my favorite RTB is in a 150g long!
Yes, they are. They are North American Pitcher plants though, so they will go through a dormancy period. I need to move them outside. They actually seem to be doing rather well in the vivarium, due to the bog like substrate, but a few people have warned me against having them in there.

I think I'm going to get a few tropical pitcher plants for the larger viv. I absolutely love them, and I'm sure they'd enjoy a few of the massive amounts of fruit flies I'll be dumping into the viv on a daily basis once the frogs inhabit it. :rolleyes:

Here's another that I have. It's not doing as well as the taller one, but still looks pretty good.

I love how vein-y they are!
I guess you can call my 75 long pretty big... currently it houses my 0.1 '06 Timor Monitor, Sliver...


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Thats awesome Jess. I know those things are hard to grow and get the thrive indoors. You actually feed them flys?

Joe, I love that!!! I wish I had the space for a monitor when it gets big.
Vinny/Birmingham/UK said:
My Burm lives in a large enclosure, not as big as the above but its 8ft x 3ft x 2ft. My Burm is called Freddy and is 10ft long and weighs 22kg. Yours?

Yeah I wish mine wasn't that big. It came with the snake and I don't really have any way to cut the plex, so I'm stuck with the mega volume for now. How old is your burm? It's pretty close to mine, but I think mine's stunted.

I just got her in March(?) from a lady who kept her crammed in a trailer, smoked like a chimney around her, didn't feed her enough, and kept her way too cold. When I got her she had a major RI, which, $200+ later is finally mostly cleared up. She's eaten one decent meal since then because all they fed her were 6 live rats/wk for 4 years...now that's all she'll eat, but I'm trying to switch her over to rabbits. She's not taking them though (other than the one time about a month ago). I actually just tried for about half an hour to get her to take one...I'm giving it a break for awhile while I type this and then I'm gonna try again later.

Anyway, she's 10'6" or so and about 50 pounds. I just thought she was a little small for being 4+ years old because a lot of people tell me their 2 year olds are that size??? She's a work in progress anyway. I'll be much happier once she's got her routine going.
:-offtopic when trying to switch a burm who has been and seems to be Stuck totally on refuseing anything but rats (which mine was) a good trick to try is to roll the rabbit in abit of used rat bedding... gets the smell of the rat on the rabbit. Rabbits feet usually smell too strong from thier urine (I couldnt bring myself to cut even a dead rabbits feet off) but by rolling them in abit of used rat bedding for a couple feeds, they usually will take a 'plain' rabbit after that :) just so you know... when I started giving mine rabbits she grew Really fast and put on quite abit of weight too :) good luck :)
I too had mine from a chap who know longer wanted to look after him. But thankfully he did feed him a good variety of items (rats,chicks,rabbits etc) so I am spoilt for choice on what to give him! He had a respiratory problem when we picked him up and I took him to the vets which cost £43 for the treatment. (About $90?). Which is pretty good for a vet. Its all cleared up now. All the best.
Sadly I can't say I have a big snake or lizard or tank. Those are some pretty huge tanks tho, cleaning must be a pain :p. If I were you, I don't know if I'd want a ten and a half foot snake getting any bigger! :sidestep:
Cat_Eyed_Lady said:
:-offtopic when trying to switch a burm who has been and seems to be Stuck totally on refuseing anything but rats (which mine was) a good trick to try is to roll the rabbit in abit of used rat bedding... gets the smell of the rat on the rabbit. Rabbits feet usually smell too strong from thier urine (I couldnt bring myself to cut even a dead rabbits feet off) but by rolling them in abit of used rat bedding for a couple feeds, they usually will take a 'plain' rabbit after that :) just so you know... when I started giving mine rabbits she grew Really fast and put on quite abit of weight too :) good luck :)
You name it, I've tried it... all the bedding did was make the rabbit dirty. The thing is, she won't even take freshly killed or frozen rats or rabbits. The ony way I can get her to eat is by feeding live rats (which I won't do since that would just perpetuate the problem), or by rubbing a live rat alllllllll over a live rabbit. Last night I thought she might take the rabbit just by itself, but she didn't, so I tried rubbing a frozen rat all over it. She got excited but wouldn't go for it, so I'm going to go get a live rat today to rub on the rabbit. I'm thinking I might keep this rat for a couple of months so if I have to do it again, it'll be there already.

And Zeebo - 10'6" is only barely over halfway grown, and 50 pounds is only about 1/4 or less of the weight of a healthy adult....that's the fun of it!
Cleaning is definately a pain, normally takes me about an hour or so. I find the biggest problem is where to put Freddy when I clean him out. I have 3 cats also so letting free isnt an option, and I dont have another tank big enough for him. His water bowl is a pond converted and takes ages to empty and has to be filled with a hose and that takes time. But its all good fun. :)