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  • Hi! Sorry it took so long to get back to you - after we got all settled in we forgot about the forums for a bit. Her name is Babs - for no other reason than it being cute and easy to call. She's doing great!
    hi, i think you are the person my dad bought a snake from for X-mas, she is colored red with saddles of reddish-Orange
    Thank you, Jessica! That is nice of you.... but not necessary. Sometimes little ones just don't make it, and from my experience it usually tends to be the little tiny ones that will occasionally die unexpectedly like that. Maybe I will stop by and visit you at the next expo to see if you still have the other butter stripe female available. I won't be vending in January, but I will probably be taking a group of 4-H kids to see the expo. If you sell her to someone else first, that is fine. I actually have way more than enough snakes as it is, but butter stripes are definitely one of my favorite morphs. Thanks again!
    I ended up just registering the little one without a breeder name. My registrations have been submitted but aren't published on the website yet. Soon you should be able to look up "Lemon Drop" on the ACR site and see the last picture I took of her. Unfortunately that one ended up being her last picture ever. This fall her feeding became sporadic when it started getting cold, and I figured it was just the time of year, as some of them lose their appetites during the cold part of the year. Then a few days ago, I found her dead in her viv. I have no idea why, but it definitely made me very sad:(
    Hi Jessica! I'm trying to register Lemon Drop on ACR and just realized that I don't know what your last name is to list as her breeder. Can you tell me what it is? You don't have a ACR breeder number or business name, do you?
    I didn't realize your B-day is the day before mine, how cool! Sept. really is a good month ;)
    So I am needing to order more mice. I usually place a co-order with someone from Rodent-Pro so we can split the shipping. If your interested please let me know asap.
    [email protected] is my email
    It's that time of year again. The PDX Reptile Expo... I can't wait! As usually I will not be planning to purchase any new additions, but high white and albino kings always catch my eye.

    We will also be having another breakfast get together before the show just outside the doors of the show. I was there around 8am then jumped into line around 9am I think. Anyone who would like to come a bit before the show is more than welcome, bring a little something breakfasty to share. It worked out great at the last show. Hope to see you / meet you there!
    Thanks for the kind words and support. :) Last night and this morning were pretty bad pain wise. I guess I have to realize that it won't feel like this forever
    I see you looking at the same thread as I am. I hope you are feeling ok and things went well today.
    Sorry for the huuuge delay, I've not been on here in ages!
    Yeahhh :) I don't think I'll ever change my avatar, it was such a lucky shot and everyone knows it's me (I get terribly confused when someone I 'know' changes theirs, it's like I have to rediscover them all over agani haha).
    No new pics of the fella for a while, he is doing his usual "IT'S COLD AND I'M NOT COMING OUT" winter routine. Can't wait for summer, I do miss my boy!!!
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