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Signature box entries

Rich Z

Staff member
I hate to be the spoil sport, but I think everyone is getting carried away with all of the text they are putting in the signature area of their messages. So much so that a page of messages seems to contain more signature box text than the actual messages.

I am making a request that everyone cut it back voluntarily to no more than 5 lines of text. Less unless you have a real good reason to do otherwise.

I have a 21 inch monitor at 1600x1200 resolution and can display quite a lot on it. Even so, it is rather irritating for most of the display to be taken up with all that extraneous text. I can imagine that people using smaller monitors would find it extremely aggravating when they have to scroll a LOT to be able to read an entire displayed thread.

Let's have a bit more consideration for everyone else here, please.
