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Magma Flow Line

Gorgeous projects as usual! I really love the amount of purple your lavas have.
That is something I have been working on for many years. Got to the Border-less Gene out of the mix.

This year, I am breeding some of the offspring from my original Bloodred het Ice female with borders, that I produced ALL of the Magma Flow Line offspring from. I bred het to my Ice Bloodred in the past, and half of the offspring had borders, so he is het Border-less. This year, I am breeding the female to a son of hers, a Granite het Lava. He is a Dirty Boy!

My Magma Flow male I have been breeding this year, came from her, as well as this breeding between a Magma Flow x Granite het Lava female. I should see more Magma Flows, and 100% Bloodreds with Borders from these breedings.

The last photo is of a Magma Flow female from 2022. I think my goal of very Dirty Magmas is going to be achievable.


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2022 Magma Flow female

Magma Flows have been bred to remove the Border-less Gene from Magmas. I guess Magma Flows are NOT Bloodreds, since Bloodreds are RedCoat, Red Factor, Red Blotched, BORDER-LESS, Masque, Diffused Corns.

If it wasn't for wanting more PURPLE, on my Lavas, I may have never attempted to produce Borders on my Magmas, and would have never discovered that ALL of the Bloodreds from our Corn Snake Gene Pool, are homo for the Border-less Gene, a Rat Snake Gene.

Can we just get over the FACT that our Corn Snake Gene Pool, has some Rat Snake Blood and Genes in it, and move forward. I want White-Sided Bloodreds!


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Striped Peppermint x Striped Cinder Bloodred

I started this project by breeding a Hypo Striped Cinder X Striped Bloodred. I ended up with 1.2 Stripes het Amel, Cinder, Hypo, Bloodred. I have been saving back all of the Cinders, and Cinder Combines, for several years.

This year, the offspring are beginning to breed themselves. Has anybody else produced Striped Cinder Bloodreds or Striped Hypo Cinder Bloodreds? I have!

This line produces the most perfect STRIPES, I have ever seen. Striped from head to the very tip of their tails. Stripes and Cinders are like "Peas and Carrots". It is like they were meant to be together. Hasn't somebody discovered a Striped Gene in Keys Corns? Has anybody tested to see if it is the same gene as the original Striped Gene?

Maybe it is no wonder, why Perfect Striped Corns are homo for Border-less, maybe they started out that way. Isn't Keys Corns, Border-less? Now add in Striped Bloodreds, and we have three sources of Border-less, Perfect Stripes, Perfect Bloodreds, and Keys Corns.


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Ruby Magmas

My Ruby Magma Line comes from this extremely DARK female Bloodred het Striped PS Lava. She has a little bit of borders, and they are very dark purple. What do you call a gene, that causes the black to become purple, but the rest of the snake DARK Cherry RED! Is it a form of hypo? Doesn't make since to me, but that is what it seems like. Are these extremely DARK offspring from this female genetic!


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Striped Blue X SUPER Blue Tessera het Motley

I proved this females is a Super Tessera last year, nothing but Tesseras from her. The Blues without any pink are the truest to their blue name.


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Ice Tessera het Motley x Lava Motley het Snow

I have only produced one Lava Motley Tessera. Hopefully, this breeding will produce more and a new one of a kind, Ice Motley Tesseras.


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One of a Kind X Same

Lavamel Sunkissed Tessera x Striped Lava Tessera.

Lava Tesseras het Striped Sunkissed are the target. Can I make Striped Sunkissed Tesseras from the offspring? Stripes and Tesseras react funny to Sunkissed, maybe, I will get something really CRAZY!


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Stargazer Testing

My Strawberry Sunkissed line was Tested for Stargazer by someone else, and I discovered last year, that the line has Stargazer in it. Testing isn't perfect, and this is one example. I have 1.2 adult Strawberry Sunkissed, and 1.1 of them are het Stargazer. I believe the other female is Gazer Free, but I am testing her again this year.

I will produce more Stargazers from my Straw Sunkissed het Stargazer x Same breedings. I have one Stargazer Straw Sunkissed I produced last year that is eating great. I hope to produce some more Stargazer StrawSunkisse, that will eat this year. It is much better to test with Homo Stargazers, than Het Stargazer. If I am going to keep Stargazers around, they might as well be Strawberry Sunkissed. It is a great Combine!

I want to test my Strawberry Sunkissed to be Stargazer free, because they are my only source of the Strawberry Gene.


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Striped Honey ph Lava x Sunkissed het Striped Caramel Snow

This guy may get more girls than any other male this year. He will increase my Striped Honey production if he is fertile, and if he proves het for Lava, oh MY!


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Honey het Amel Lava Striped x Sunkissed het Striped Caramel Snow

I am hoping for some Striped Honeys, and Striped Butter Sunkissed from this breeding.


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Striped Snow Sunkissed het Champagne (Triple Red)

This male is breeding a Striped Snow het Champagne Sunkissed and a Striped Champagne Snow het Sunkissed. Both breedings should produce some really nice Champagne Snows, in Striped and Striped Sunkissed.


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Striped Anery Tessera het Lava x Sunkissed Lava Tessera

One of a kind x SAME. The babies from this breeding will be combined with the babies from the Lavamel Sunkissed Tessera x Striped Lava Tessera breeding I did earlier.

Two different one of a kind x same breedings to produce Lava Tesseras het Striped Anery Sunkissed, and Lava Tesseras het Striped Amel Sunkissed, all to see what a Striped Sunkised Tessera looks like. Hopefully, the COOLEST Tessera you have ever seen, or at least something different than a Striped Sunkissed or Sunkissed Tessera.

I think Sunkissed Lava Tesseras are my favorite Tessera so far.


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Striped Champagne Snow X Same

I have been saving back Striped Chp Snows for several years now. Both of these Chp's are first time breeders.

I believe the super pink Snows are Triple Reds (RedCoat, Red Factor, and Red Blotched), at least that is what I started calling them, or Triple R's.

I am not sure I could produce Striped Snows, that were any more pink. It is sure nice to be able to pick out the best from each clutch year after year, raise them up, and produce even better offspring.

I expect this clutch to be 100% Triple R Snows.


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Striped Pepperment ph Blood x Striped Cinder Blood ph Amel

When I say that Stripes and Cinders go together like Peas and Carrots, I really mean it. I could say the same thing about Stripes and Bloodreds. They all look better, homo for Border-less.

I am beginning to think that is where Stripes came from in the first place. I started out with a perfect Striped Hypo Cinder x perfect Striped Bloodred, for sure, but ALL of the stripes I produce from this project, from Normal, Hypo, Amel, Cinder, and Bloodreds, are ALL perfect Stripes all the way down to the tail.

The Stripes don't disappear, they just fade, but you can follow them all the way down to the very tip of their tail.

Striped Cinder Bloodreds , look like a swirled pile of "Ash", another great Rich Z name that hasn't been used. Ash Corn is nice and short, but I just started liking calling them Striped Cinder Bloodreds.

I have never had a Blotched Cinder yet, so I really can't say, but a Striped Cinder and Striped Cinder Blood, look more like Striped Ash.


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Lavender het Sunkissed Lava x Lava Lavender ph Sunkissed

Lava Lavenders look considerable different than Opals. They retain much more of their color.

If the Lava Lavender proves out to be het for Sunkissed, I should get some more Orchids and Lava Orchids.


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Magma Flow Breedings

All of these breeders come in one way or another from an Ice Blood het Borderless x Bloodred het Ice (With Borders) original breeding. The mother of all of these breeders, looks like a Banded Okeetee Bloodred het Ice.

You can easily SEE the diffusion from the Diffused Gene and the bald heads from the Masque Gene. If all of these Bloodreds were homo for Border-less, they wouldn't have a hint of black. There wouldn't be any evidence there ever was any black, they would be Extreme Bloods.

These guys are Dirty Bloods, from the Magma Flow Line.


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Pied-Sided Ruby Magma ph Striped

I have two Ruby Magmas ph Striped, this one is a Pied-Sided. I have been saving back most of the Magmas, Stripes, and Striped Bloodreds from a breeding of RedCoat Bloodred het Pied-Sided Ice x Same (Last Photo). I have never seen Magmas as dark red as these are, and are representative of the name Ruby Magma.


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Magma Flow Line Eggs

I started getting eggs a couple of weeks ago. I just passed 50 clutches, with about 25 to go.

These two girls from the Magma Flow Line laid nice clutches.

Anery Blood het Lava x Magma Flow

Bloodred het Ice x Anery Blood het Lava


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