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Snake + Dog = Good Times


New member
My '06 amel girl got out Thursday night and we've been looking for her ever since then with no luck.

Tonight while my hubby was out running errands, I was on the couch watching TV and goofing off on the laptop. Suddenly my chihuahua started whimpering and messing with something on the couch. I looked over and saw something pink attached to his lip and it was my snake! LOL

OMG, my poor dog...I feel kind of bad, but it was so freaking hilarious! I wish I could have taken a picture, but I was more worried about keeping the snake from going back under the couch.

I've gotta do something about this new rack. This is the second snake to escape in a week. *sigh*

**No snakes were harmed during this incident. My dog, however, has jumped three times at the sight of an extension cord on the floor. He may never be the same.**
...**No snakes were harmed during this incident. My dog, however, has jumped three times at the sight of an extension cord on the floor. He may never be the same.**

:crazy02: :grin01: I know it wasn't supposed to be funny, but that is one of the funniest things I have heard in some time. Thanks for sharing, but next time...GET PICS!!! :rofl: :dancer:
I believe your poor dog may be scarred for life and may require a little Psychotherapy down the road. :crazy02: Great story. Might sound strange but I would have liked to see that one....lol.
Jay :cool:
Poor Tito (my dog). He's such a sweet and trusting little guy. After he'd settled down again and quit jumping at every sudden movement in the room, I got out another of the snakes just to show him there was nothing to be scared of. I guess everybody was a little riled up at that point though, 'cause the second snakeling tagged him on the nose!

I feel awful! But it *was* funny... :grin01:
I had a yearling get one of my cats on the nose awhile ago, and she still hasn't recovered. Always wanted to get the snakes before, but now stays well away. Glad no one actually got hurt, and good luck with the rack!
A guy I know has a lot of large and a lot of venomous snakes, but he's also got a couple of small dogs. I was over there the one night last summer and one of his dogs stood at the doorway to one of his snake rooms and barked his head off for 15-20 minutes. The guy told me that the previous night he had purposely scared the dog real bad with one of his biggest rock pythons in an effort to keep the dog afraid of snakes in the event that one should get out. Apparently it worked... :)
I have a 65 lb pit bull mix who was bitten on the nose by one of my 10g hatchlings last summer. He's JUST now getting over his habit of leaving the room when I open up a rack. :grin01:
I feel bad for your 'poor' Tito, but I can't help but to envision Tito flaying about with a little snake hanging off his nose! :grin01:

Great story! Thanks for sharing.
My Papillion was bitten on the side of his nose by my snake as well. Probably the funniest moment of my life. I've never seen a dog act more bizarre. Thankfully I had to be out of my house the next day and I had no idea where that snake was. Also Harley(dog) would not enter the room he was bitten in under no circumstances and it was the entry way to the house the room he spends 3/4 his day in. I attempted to bribe him with fast food, he just whimpered and convulsed with fright.
Poor Tito! What a great story, hilarious!

We've got 4 dogs and when ever we have a snake out we make sure the dogs stay well clear of the snake. Before I was worried for the snake, as one of our dogs is truly insane, and would probably give the poor snake quite a bite, but now I'm a little worried about the dogs! I wonder how our neurotic dogs would react to being bitten by a 400 gram adult? :eek1:

Thanks for the stories guys. These dogs are crazy, huh? lol