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'03 feeding schedule...


New member
I have a 14-15 inch '03 (from last July) that had been eating one pink a week for a little while. After feeding, she started to seem like she was looking for more food, so just out of curiosity I threw her another and she took it down right quick. The next week, I fed her the same (2 pinks) and she again took them right down. I soon noticed that she looked a little heavier after digesting her meals, she seemed a little ...'fatter' before her vent and then afterward the tail taperd a lot. I'm not sure if I'm making her fat, or if this is just the way she's developing as a female, (looked somewhat like the 'female' pictures from Kathy Love's Book)

...So what do you think? Should I start feeding her every 14 days instead of 7 or something? Is she ready for fuzzies, or should I go back to the old one pinkie a week schedule...
The chances of your little one getting fat is (excuse the pun) slim. They are in a major growing stage at that size/age. The extra thickness is most likely more waste (soon to be expelled for you to clean). Feeding the two every week should be fine.
The majority of my 03's that are around that size are on fuzzies every 5-7 days.

Once you bump up the food to something a hair more nutritious you should notice a huge growth spike.

I personally only have two 03's that are still on pinks.

And I agree with DAND, the chances of a snake that young getting fat are quite small. They're still growing and utilizing their food, whereas adults' metabolisms slow down and the food tends to store up.
I would say to continue with feeding 2 pinks for a few more feedings, then switch to a small fuzzy. If she does OK with the small fuzzy, then continue feeding that size for a few feedings, then feed a slightly larger fuzzy, and so on...

I agree that the extra plumpness is probably wastes.
...Thanks a lot. I'll keep feeding her the two pinks, then, and see if she'll take a small fuzzy in a little while.

thanks fer zee help...