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2nd Female, WOW and "Uh-Oh" and "HELP?"


Sean, Mary Ann & the kids
Woke up this am to "Shreds of Shed" in Katchy's viv! She last shed on Mar 3 and was "FIRST" observed copulating with our one male "OB" on Mar 14th. Making it 30 days, to the day, since 1st copulating. Her last visual on mating was on Mar 29th. So even though she is still REALLY thin, I am figuring this shed MUST be her "Pre-Lay" shed???

Only having 1 male, we had to split up "Mating" time between Katchy and Lil' Momma, along with time for OB to replenish his sperm count in between matings. And "Mating" started with OB & Lil Momma on Mar 12.

Ok, through out ALL that I have searched through & read, this shed should be the mark telling me she should lay any time in the next couple weeks. right? I am so confused......

There is one question I can not seem to find the answer to pertaining to The "Mating to Laying" time-line anywhere... If the pair mate off & on for 2 weeks or more... Does the "Time Line" start from the 1st Copulation? Or the last?

And why would she be shedding just over 1 month after her last shed, when her last feeding was that long ago, if it is NOT a pre-lay shed?

(she has refused EVERY offer food since Mar 3 & she has LOST wieght while mating, of course, and does not "Appear" any where NEAR gravid in the least, compared to the SIZE Whytsnake got)

She now has her nose out of her hide, so I am going to offer her a fuzzy. At this point, I would rather she eat a couple fuzzies instead of expaneding her energy on a Lrg. Adult mouse... she is SERIOUSLY so skinny!

I've found it's better to estimate hatchdates from the date of ovulation rather than copulation. Ovulation swelling is pretty obvious in some snakes and lasts a day or two. You'd expect a shed about a month after ovulation and then eggs follow a few weeks after that.
I've found it's better to estimate hatchdates from the date of ovulation rather than copulation. Ovulation swelling is pretty obvious in some snakes and lasts a day or two. You'd expect a shed about a month after ovulation and then eggs follow a few weeks after that.

*estimate lay dates.. Not hatch dates.. ;) whoops
Thank You... that is good info... And now I know to "watch for that puffyness" I had not realized that snakes would breed BEFORE ovulation was obvious... LOL But obviously... THEY DO! lol

Because is Katchy's case, she had no more appearance of "Ovulation" than she does now of being gravid.. LOL The only reason we put her with the male at all, was because "Lil Momma" (our third female) became puffy and mated quickly... (And figuring out "Whytsnake" was a gravid female,not male in March, even though we NEVER wittnessed OB copulating with her) we just thought we would SEE if Katchy was ready too... And BAM! They were hooked... LOL so we just kept rotating OB between the 2 gals for about 3 weeks.
Katchy came to us as a VERY slender Girl... right from Brumation, and has only gotten skinnier since Mar 3, that was the last meal she has accepted... ALthough, she was the MOST willing mating partner OB had... LOL He didn't even have to chase her around... She even went out of her way, to help him "Get It" a couple of times, and was only TOO happy to wake him up to get her some more! LMAO!

So I guess really the only thing we can do, is just keep keeping our COMPLETE records on all these first breedings AND the problems... And be REALLY REALLY ready next year!!

.......................at least I can be pretty dang sure that Katchy isn't going to have "binding problems" LOL Matter of fact, I will really be kind of surprised if she lays any eggs at all! Considering her size.... Katchy "SHEDDING" doesn't even make sense to me because she has only LOST weight, since her last shed... Unlike "Whytsnake" who got HUGE before pre-lay shed.... sigh

Well like my Hubby says... "No Two Snakes Are Alike"!!! Guess our's are bound to drill that fact into my not so smart, "First timers" Head! LMAO

(btw... HUBBY FINALLY got me "Scales" so things will be easier from now on... Well that is... IF I MAKE IT THROUGH THIS DANG'OL BREEDING SEASON WITHOUT BEING PUT IN A RUBBER ROOM! :crazy01::blowhead::crazy02: