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4 month old not hiding, not eating


New member
I'm new to all this. My 4 month old amel had been eating and pooping like a trooper. It shed beautifully and then things started to go sour. It ate a pinkie, then looked around for another, so we gave it to him/her. After 5 days, we had a poop, then waited another 3 days and fed another single pinkie. 2 days later it regurgitated that pinkie, and pooped again. Now it's kind of lethargic, won't eat and isn't hanging out in the hidey holes. Temps are 84 at the warm end, 74 at the cool. Bedding is aspen. Humidity is 40%. We feed it in a separate tank.
The snake is drinking, so isn't dehydrated yet. It only moves when I change the water or disturb it in some way (we're not handling it at all at the moment). Its not hiding at all - just drooping on it's side between the glass and a log on the warm end of the tank.
Any ideas?
If you are really concerned than consider a trip to the vet. But you might also consider giving it a bit more time. Generally, you aren't considered to be in real trouble unless you've had two or more regurges back to back. However, you are a better judge of how uncharacteristic his behavior is, so it's ultimately a judgement call on your part.

Is he flicking his tongue at all when you put your hand near or disturb him? It may be that he's just not feeling well after regurging. It's tough to say. You can always just hang tight and after about 7-10 days (after the regurge) offer a very small meal like a pinky head and see if he holds that down. Also, you might try nutribac in his water to help replenish the good bacteria in his stomach.
Thanks all,

I've made an appointment for Cobb tonight at the vet. I can't find Nutribac in any of our local pet stores. Found it online, but it might be too late by the time it is shipped. My 6-yr. old is going to be very, very upset if Cobb doesn't make it!
Sorry - didn't answer about flicking his tongue... yes he is, and he's moving quickly when he's been disturbed - not sluggish.
I'm new to all this. My 4 month old amel had been eating and pooping like a trooper. It shed beautifully and then things started to go sour. It ate a pinkie, then looked around for another, so we gave it to him/her. After 5 days, we had a poop, then waited another 3 days and fed another single pinkie. 2 days later it regurgitated that pinkie, and pooped again. Now it's kind of lethargic, won't eat and isn't hanging out in the hidey holes. Temps are 84 at the warm end, 74 at the cool. Bedding is aspen. Humidity is 40%. We feed it in a separate tank.
The snake is drinking, so isn't dehydrated yet. It only moves when I change the water or disturb it in some way (we're not handling it at all at the moment). Its not hiding at all - just drooping on it's side between the glass and a log on the warm end of the tank.
Any ideas?

You say "2 days later it regurgitated that pinkie, and pooped again. Now it's kind of lethargic, won't eat"
but you dont say when this was.....you say he wont eat but how many days did you wait after the regurge to offer food again. It shouldnt have been less then 10 days.
it's been a week since the feeding, 5 days since the regurgitation.
Wait at least 5 more days to give your snake's belly a change to recover the lost digestive juices and floria needed. Then go with a much smaller than normal meal.
I've got 7 more days to wait myself for the same reason.
I do have a question... Why only wait 3 days between feeding a double meal and then a single meal?? I think the closest anyone feeds is 4 days (on hatchlings) and with a double meal it should have been atleast 5 days before feeding again.
I do have a question... Why only wait 3 days between feeding a double meal and then a single meal?? I think the closest anyone feeds is 4 days (on hatchlings) and with a double meal it should have been atleast 5 days before feeding again.

After 5 days, we had a poop, then waited another 3 days and fed another single pinkie.

I think they waited 8 days, not 3.
ok :) sounds better :) still odd it regurged after that amount of time.... was thinking maybe they ment 3 and Maybe that was the reason. Its always abit frustrating to try to find a cause...
I just got back from the vet who says the snake looks healthy and well and not to worry - probably just overate and it takes a long time for snakes to feel better once they feel ill. Of course, Cobb seems fine this evening - hiding in his little cave and sticking his head out to say hi when we come in the room.
it's been a week since the feeding, 5 days since the regurgitation.

Thats why I asked. It should be 10....maybe after only 5 days he wasnt feeling well, thats why he refused.

Doesnt their throat burn after a regurge? I think I read that here.

Ive only had one regurge, and my Amel didnt come out for over a week after it, if I wouldve offered she probably wouldve refused too.
Glad to hear he is feeling better.

It was 8 days after he last ate, not 3 and he had already pooped after the fifth day. Meanwhie, he's still not eaten, I've offered food twice since. Once a whole pinky, brained. Once just a pinky head. Nothing. He's still not behaving normally, but he's perked up a bit. I'll wait another 4 or 5 days and offer the headless pinky next.
It might be worth changing his feeding times to 1 pinky every 7 days to see how he reacts. If he eats 1 ok try putting him on to 2 every 7 days.