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Ignore the reflection, and the hazy water mark area on the top 2-3 inches of the glass, it used to be way worse but I managed to clean it that much. Sir Blinky used to live in a regular 20 gallon aquarium, but he quickly out grew it (not really outgrew, I just wanted something a little bigger I think) and I got this 55 gallon tank from a coworker and I like it much more. Although I've had it since the beginning of February I haven't had much chance to really deck it out because Sir Blinky decided to go on an insane spring time induced eating strike. He was super active and would totally ignore anything new I tried to install so I just kept it basic. Now he's back to acting normal though, and I would like to make this tank look less.... Basic? Boring.
After he outgrew 2 of his old hides I needed a cool side hide very badly, so my ingenious dad (sarcasm lol) decided to make him a 2 and a half story corn flake box hide, and wouldn't you know it Sir Blinky loved it. So that's what that big thing on the far end is. There is a paper towel tube in front of it, and one behind that log/rock that you can't see in the pic. The warm end is the nearest one, with the rock. There is a rock and connected is one of those 'large' hides that you can buy that looks like a rock? I completely buried it and connected the two under the bedding and he loves it. The log on top is normally propped up on this near end so it's in the air. I have tried fake plants and climbing branches and he didn't ever use them so I took em out. The rock that you can see a small bit of is from the creek, and the log is from the hill behind my house (both have been thoroughly cleaned and I've used them both for more than a year now).
So those are the details, the water bowl is a simple plastic Christmas themed bowl that held some cookies a long time ago. I am literally 100% open for any ideas, replacing any of the current hides. I am actually wanting to replace the corn flake box as soon as I can, but no matter how much I look online I cannot find anything that really grabs me. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm open for any _SIMPLE_ DIYs, or anything you can purchase online, if y'all have any go-to favorites.
It's a really open ended question, I know.... Basically what I'm asking is, imagine you had this very tank. What would you do with it?
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