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Adult corn regergitated meal


New member
Hi all,

My adult male corn regurged on Monday. I fed him 1 adult mouse on Friday, and It was there again when I went to look at him on Monday. I did not handle him at all after I fed him, warm temp is 75. The first feeding that I had him for went fine. This morning, I looked through his bin without opening it, and there was a small amount of vomit in the front of his bin. Is there any guidance anyone can give me? I plan on waiting the 10-14 days, and starting with a fuzzy and moving up from there, but is the vomit something that might normally happen after a regurge? or is it something I need to be concerned with?
The warm end temp on the floor needs to be in the mid-80s to be sure that you don't get another regurge. Low 70s is OK for the cool end floor.