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certain time of day to feed?


just got my albino corn and shes kinda small for her size from what i hear. shes apporox 5 months and only 13 or so inches about as big as ur pinky finger. i wanna start to feed her a little more in hopes to help her grow but my snake hides nonstop shes never out and i dont want to disturb her if shes sleeping........is there a good time of day that you are better off to feed them?
well i have the same thing but you have to keep him on a regular diet feeding him every 5-7 days and rotating the days as you go... if you jsut feed it every 5 days it will figure this out and become alot more High strung and maby strike at you... but as far as best time of day depends on when you wanna hold it next... you shouldnt handle it for the next 48 hours... mine hides allday... but i jsut take him outa hid tank put him in his other tank and feed him because you are not soposed to feed time in their tank.. they get use to a hand meaning food and they can strike... and as far as not knowing what size to buy i go by their prey should be at least 1 to 1 and 1 1/2 time the thickes part on their body...(hope i could be of help) :crazy02: :crazy02:
I personally feed when I get the time, but since corns are most active at dawn and dusk, one could argue that your best chance of them feeding is during those times (esp. dusk). I haven't noticed an appreciable difference with ravenous feeders, but some finicky feeders seem to eat a bit better later in the day.
thanks for the help buddy, its kinda hard to get replies on here from what i can tell. i appreciate any advice. i just took both hide boxes out and shes actually climbing around on things now. she was fed in her viv. at the pet store and i fed her only once here so far and i fed her in there. i cant tell if shes not hungry or if she just cant find the food? i will put the pinky in there and she wont pay any mind to it. i will even wiggle the thing around in front of her and still nothing. i dont know if shes just too nervous or what? perhaps this is another reason for taking her out and feeding her...assuring that she will see the prey......?
n1ck said:
thanks for the help buddy, its kinda hard to get replies on here from what i can tell.

What do you mean? Usually if you post a question you will get a bunch a replies....

Agreed. I always get a ton of replies.

Anyway, nick, its better to feed in a seperate container ...preferrably one thats so small that your snake cannot avoid its prey item, or visa versa. I mean, don't make it uncomfortably small for your snake, but for a 13 inch snake a small gladware container or a deli cup (if you have one) would be great. Also, you should probably wait 3 or 4 days after you got it before feeding it to give it time to adjust to its new home (I may be incorrectly assuming you just got it - if so, disregard the last sentence). Thats the best advice I have on the matter. Oh yeah, and make sure you wait at least 5 days after each refusal to try feeding her again. You don't want to create a permanent refusal response to food (there's a name for that, but i forget it). Plus, in 5 days she should be more hungry; hopefully hungry enough to eat.

Oh, and I feed my girl in the evenings and she's an excellent eater. Good luck with your girl!
yeah i take the statement about not getting replies back, im getting plenty of very helpful feedback now....im just kind of excited and not real patient :) :) i just took her out and put her in a gallon ice cream tub and let her eat the pinky, that worked out quite well - was the only container i had that would work. as for her size do you think thats normal? being 5 or 6 months and being so small? 13 inches and not even the size of a pinky finger? she appears to be a good eater but perhaps underfed? is an albino a smaller breed? all this is rather new so im basically learning as i go. :shrugs: thanks!
Are you sure about the age and size? Are you sure she is only 5 months old? She might actually look smaller than what she actually is. I know with my first corn, I thought she was like 12-13 inches. When I measured her, she was around 15-16 inches...LOL
if i recall the date on the tank when i purchased her she should be like 5 months. maybe it was incorrect. ....i actually had her exploring the inside of the tank so she was stretched out completely along the side and i measured her then to be around 13 inches. shes about as thick as an ink pen. not very big at all! im not sure how "long" they are when born and things like that so its hard for me to guess just looking at her if its healthy or how old she really may be.
I think earlier today, or maybe yesterday, someone was mentioning that their new hatchlings were about 14 inches long (I'm really sorry I cannot remember who it was at the moment). With that in mind, and assuming those were normal hachlings, your snake does sound kinda small. If she's eating regularly though, then I would guess that she'd be fine? Maybe she just had a bit of a slow start?
time of day...

I think it's supposed to be in the evening since that is the natural hunting time of cornsnakes in the wild... if I'm wrong, please correct me! Thx!
well i will definately try your suggestions to see which works out better for her i do appreciate everyones help thanks ;)