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Dry shed


New member
Hello ,I"m new here and have a 4 year old male corn snake.He"s a good boy and is content in his 40 gallon tank.I have found clean news papers to be the best bedding for him these days.No wood gets swallowed.I need to provide him with additional moisture in the tank.Hes not much of a swimmer and never goes in the water bowl but loves to drink fresh water.When he has a dry shed I get a warm wash cloth and let him slide through that while holding him . It really helps get the shed off in 15 minutes.He never fusses with this abit.I would like to avoid these dry sheds though. I could mist him with a spray bottle and may very well do that . Today at a reptile show , I spotted a reptile fogger.Could I use one of these to fog some of the tank? Only question I have is ,would it cool him off too much ?I have never heard of anyone using a fogger. Any thoughts? All replies welcome.
Have you tried a humid hide? Just take an old butter tub (or smiler) and cut a hole in the lid. Fill the bottom of it with wet moss or bed-a-beast. How low is your humidity? Misting the viv would also be a good idea. :cheers:
Hi Muggle ,I have never tried any type of humid hide yet . I keep the snake at work in the shop. There is a large heat return up on the ceiling that blows down warm air to the tank .I can control the heat so its good but its dry heat .Im sure I need to actively address this condition.For starters Ill place some clean damp paper towls in the tank as well as misting him with a water from a spray bottle .That should go along way with things.That wash cloth deal works great but I would like to avoid getting to that point .The fogger would humidify things alot Im sure.I think I may place a nice plant in the tank as well
Before getting a fogger, unless it's for added "decoration" or as a fun extra for the snake or you, I would try all the other things mentioned. They will all help and probably completely fix the problem, and they cost less.

I'm just guessing here, but I think a fogger isn't that bad an idea. I've heard it mentioned before, but I don't think anyone has ever tried it. Their is no harm in trying. Although I think you would want to avoid fogging the whole tank. If you could keep the fog in a curtain section of the cold side that might be kind of fun for the snake. The snake gets added cover, so he may feel more secure, and at least up here my house is heating up a bit and will continue to heat up without the A.C., so he might enjoy a cool, refreshing "walk" in the mist :shrugs: . Although my snakes don't like being misted so who knows.

There are definite benefits, but I guess you really have to try it out and see how it would work. Can anyone think of an obvious downside?
My snake doesnt mind being sprayed as long as the stuf isnt too cold .At the reptile show , the fogger display was a tray of water about 4-5" deep.The water lever was about 2" from the top of the container and the emitting fog was held to near the top of the container so it would be very easy to contain the "rolling fog". I have to admit, its a fun factor for me but it should work well and I wouldnt run it all the time. They cost about $35 . Pasquale is very curious and im sure he would be all over it, hahah and that room gets hot in the Summer so it could be just the thing for that as well.