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eggs hatching soon need some advice


New member
Hi everybody,

I have 2 clutches of eggs that are going to be hatching soon (22 eggs, all look great) and have a couple of questions. I am a first time "mom" and was hoping I could get some advice. I have a snake rack that I am going to use for the hatchlings and was going to get some little sterilite containers to put in it. I am not sure what to use for water dishes and if I need to get 22 different containers. I know you should not keep cornsnakes together and didnt know if it was the same for new hatchlings. I have Kathy Love's book but a friend borrowed it and I wanted to go get supplies and get everything set up for when these little guys decide to come meet me. Thanks for all the help.

It is suggested to keep even the newly hatched corns separately. Though some breeders will keep them together until first meal. While they are still small, you can easily keep then in the Ziploc or Glad sandwich sized disposable tupperwares using napkins as a substrate (just toss in and change as needed). That would be a little more cost effective until they are big enough to need the sterilite. You can even feed them right in the tupperwares. For water dishes you can use those 2-4 ounce condiment cup. Those you can pick up at any Smart & Final or similar store in bulk so if they get gross or extra dirty you can just replace them instead of worrying about cleaning them.

Good luck and be sure to post pics when they hatch - we love baby and pipping pics!

thats I great idea, thanks soo much. I will most definately post pictures when they hatch. Thanks again for the help.

Hi Teri,
Congratulations on your first two clutches. I will love to see the babies. The disposable bins are great to use but are a little shallow then we care for. We use bins that are a little bit deeper then the sandwich bins. The main reason we do this is to allow us to use these water bowls that also double as hides as they have an opening on the sides of the bottom. They work great and take up less room in a bin then a separate bowl and hide. You can get these at any retail pet store in the small animal section. Hope this helps.
Jay :cool:

Water Bowl/Hide
I also use the ziplock type storage containers and condiment cups. It can be a little difficult to do depending on the thickness of the plastic, but I usually staple a condiment cup to the container and then insert another condiment cup inside of the stapled one. That way they cannot spill the water. I also recommend keeping them in seperate containers also. I used to keep them all together, but it is much easier to keep track of each individual hatchling when housed individually. It is also much easier to get them to take thier first meal if they are in their own containers then having to seperate them out to eat.

Jay, I like those bowls, I will have to get some for my keepers :)
its my first time aswell....mine have hatched though and i used small microwave boxes and melted holes in the lids....i also used them plastic cups for dishes, cut the bottom.
i also need to sell 18 in two weeks as im going on holiday soon, but as i live in the UK this website doesnt help much :headbang:
im not sure what the morphs are either...
i have mostly normals, but 3 snows an amel and 3 normal caramel colours
just thought i would let you know
i also need to sell 18 in two weeks as im going on holiday soon, but as i live in the UK this website doesnt help much

Whoops! Bad timing.

If you want to sell them online, there are UK-based reptile forums which have Classified or For Sale sections. Will PM you the links. Do you have a local reptile group? Perhaps you could offer them to members there.

However, with that many and so short a space of time, your best bet is to sell them as a group to a reputable reptile shop. You'll get less for them, but right now I think your problem is time not money. Do you have a shop locally that you would trust to find them good homes?

If you really get desperate, you could try selling via your local newspaper or FreeAds. I wouldn't recommend selling outside reptile forums/groups, simply because a) you could end up selling to people who may not have a clue about snakes but "just fancy the idea" and b) you'll probably end up being the one they phone up every time something goes wrong or they want advice.

If you're totally out of options, you could give them away to Proteus Reptile Rescue, who will rehome them. They're based near Birmingham, but they have an "ambulance" which will collect from anywhere in the UK if it's an emergency. Bear in mind that it's a charity - they certainly won't pay you for the hatchlings.
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cheers for the help....i live near blackpool and there is a reptile room in cleveleys the guys where kind enough to incubate my eggs......but they wont want mine as they had 20 hatch of their own,
i could always ask my cousin to look after them as he has many more reptiles than me.
im advertising in the newspaper and i have about 3 friends that might want one
can you post them links for me? the UK based sellers?
can you post them links for me? the UK based sellers?

Hiya. I see you received my PM with the links. It's kinda bad manners to post links to competing (sort of) forums, so I didn't include them in my previous post.

Hope all goes well - good luck.
Thanks for the advice. I got the gladware entree containers and 4oz little dishes for water. I am going to put holes in the containers tonight. Do I put holes in the sides or can in put them in the lid? Also I have the eggs in a hoverbator and it has this mesh metal thing that the container sits on and I have water in the bottom. I was wondering if I should put paper towel on top of the mesh metal? I dont want them to fall through the holes in the mesh and drowned in the water. Or should I take the mesh rack off and empty the water and put the containers in the bottom. Sorry if it seems like a stupid question, I am starting to get nervouse because on the 25th it will be 60 days since the eggs were layed so I know hatching is coming and dont want to make any mistakes. Thanks for the help.

Teric506 said:
Thanks for the advice. I got the gladware entree containers and 4oz little dishes for water. I am going to put holes in the containers tonight. Do I put holes in the sides or can in put them in the lid? Also I have the eggs in a hoverbator and it has this mesh metal thing that the container sits on and I have water in the bottom. I was wondering if I should put paper towel on top of the mesh metal? I dont want them to fall through the holes in the mesh and drowned in the water. Or should I take the mesh rack off and empty the water and put the containers in the bottom. Sorry if it seems like a stupid question, I am starting to get nervouse because on the 25th it will be 60 days since the eggs were layed so I know hatching is coming and dont want to make any mistakes. Thanks for the help.


if the babies are in containers and the containers sit of the metal mesh... how can the babies fall through it??
the eggs are in containers but the lid is not closed completely because there are not airholes in the egg containers(I found it works best with the humidity), so I wasnt sure if they climbed out of the container after they hatch if they would fall through the mesh.

yes they can, I infact had one do that very thing! found it curled up under the other egg container in the incubator. I suppose it all depends on how large the mesh is on your wire... I dont know what to tell you, sorry.