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Female Miami Corn

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This is a proven female. She laid 15 eggs last year which hatched healthy babies. She also eats f/t every time that she is offered. $75 OBO + shipping (FEDEX).


  • 2011 135.JPG
    2011 135.JPG
    266.6 KB · Views: 387
I have not owned her all of her life. I got her from a person who was getting rid of all of his cornsnakes. I have had her for about 2 years. When I first got her she was 205g and I did not breed her that year. Last July she weighed 292g (after laying eggs), and when I weighed her tonight, she was 394g. I didn't breed her this year. She isn't extremely long or large, but eats great and has a good temperment.

Where did you get her? Do you have her actual hatch date? How big is she?
I'm still wondering if I should try to buy her. SO tempting! But I'm so broke right now.... *sigh* She sure is a beauty, though, and Colorado (my Miami male) might like a girlfriend for next year. Plus living in the same state you do doesn't hurt :).

Oh well. By the time I have the extra dinero to get her, she'll probably already be sold to someone else. C'est la vie. But she really is a beauty, and I wish you luck with her sale. I'm going to keep my eye on this girl, "just in case" :).
Do you know what year she is? I would love to take her, I just have to make some room for her first though. Hopefully no one grabs her in the next couple days or so and i'll be able to take her off your hands!
I guessed that she was at least 3 (maybe 4) when I got her, so that would make her at least 5.

Do you know what year she is? I would love to take her, I just have to make some room for her first though. Hopefully no one grabs her in the next couple days or so and i'll be able to take her off your hands!
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