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-M.P. Stafford
Hello! I'm Matthew, or Matt for short (yep, I'm stating the obvious here).

Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm somewhat of a Grammar Nazi, though my sentence structure is and probably always will be lacking. I apologize beforehand for those of you that are "block" readers like me, as sometimes my stuff doesn't flow as smoothly as it should.

Secondly, I've been a reptile enthusiast for years. I practically lived and breathed books on all types of reptiles in high school, and I try to stay current on all types of reptile care, so that I can lend the local pet stores a hand on proper care. I currently own a Bearded Dragon, "Diamond Back" Leopard Gecko, and a Chinese Water Dragon.

With that said, I do not have a Corn or any snake yet (never have), but I'm steadily progressing to being ready for my first one. I've been doing corn-specific research for several weeks and lurking these forums for several days now. I feel that snakes (in general) are my weakest area in terms of knowledge, handling, and experience so I decided it was time to take a big step and work towards my first one.

"Big", some of you might ask...? Yes, for me it's a large step. Oddly enough, I've always be very timid and unsure of myself when it comes to snakes. Lizards are my forte and I've never hesitated hopping in a Tegu, Monitor, or Beardie enclosure and making fast friends with them. Snakes, though, always leave me in a fit of trepidation.

In any case, moving onwards...pretty sure I've got enclosure, food, temperature, etc nailed down. Once I actually purchase my snake, I'm sure I'll be asking a few questions to better clarify on a few things.

I'm planning on starting a custom double tall enclosure. I recently built one for my Bearded Dragon and had so much fun doing it, thought I'd make one for a Corn as well.

If anyone is curious, this is the one I built for my Bearded Dragon. The double tall would be similar, but suited more towards Corns.


Anyway, this has become lengthy enough. That's me and my take in a nutshell. I look forward to spending a lot more time with many of you!

- Matt

PostScript: Any other Indiana snake/herp owners on this board? :)
diamondlil said:
I daren't show my snakes that viv, or they'd want to live with you!

Awww...shucks. Thanks for the compliment. :)

I DO have question, though. More of a matter of opinion for most of you, I'm sure but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't regret it. I'll ask it here and if nobody notices it, I'll make a new thread in Husbandry.

On this wooden enclosure, I'm wanting them to be front openers. I saw that blueapplepaste made his as front openers, but I'm curious as to how many of you use them and how well they work.

I'm really a fan of front opening enclosures for Bearded Dragons and Leo's, but I wanted to make sure I'd not have any serious problems with it.

Thanks in advance,

- Matt
Hi and welcome to the forum! :)

I have a Viv with sliding glass doors and its great for me. I prefer them over the top opening aquarium type ones I have seen because you don't have to stretch over to reach down into them, if you see what i mean. To me, its easier for cleaning/etc, plus snakes feel less threatened if you come at them from the sides, rather than the top.
Top opening ones are just as good though, like you said, its more a matter of personal preference.
Hi Matt, welcome to the forum, and welcome to the world of snakes :wavey:

I use wooden vivs with front-opening doors. I have also used the top-opening sort in the past, and I strongly prefer, and recommend, the front-openers. I find it much easier to get in and out to clean, handle my snakes, etc, and it also has a big advantage over a full water bowl - you wouldn't believe what I used to spill lowering a heavy bowl of water down from the top! :grin01:
Thanks for your opinions, guys. They're very much appreciated.

Probably going to swing by the lumber yard/hardware store in the next couple days so I can get started. The Midwest Reptile Show is here March 18th and I want to have it all built and setup with the correct temperatures before I purchase the Corn.

Hopefully someone there will have a Reverse Oketee, which is what I really have my heart set on. They're so unique looking, in my opinion. I do like Lavenders and Blizzards too, though! So hopefully out of those three morphs, I can find one I really like. Wish me luck!

- Matt