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Heating Dilemma


New member
I'm about to get my cornsnake soon, and wanted to use a heating mat for heating, but I'm using a plastic tank (until it gets bigger), and the mats are not recomended for plastic, is there anything I could put under the tank to protect the plastic, or do I just need to buy heat bulbs?
Yes heat mats are not ideal for platic, however you should not have any problems heating your plastic tank with a heat mat. However, do NOT hook up your heat mat without purchasing a rheostat (heat mat temp. control, you can find them at petsmart for about 20$). With the rheostat you can make the mat just slightly warmer than room temp, which will not melt your plastic, or burn your snake.

Move To Ohio!!!

We had a high of 88 degrees today!!! NO HEATING PAD REQUIRED WITH THAT KIND OF WEATHER! LOL

:D :laugh: :idea: :bird:
PSH! 88 lol j/p I live in Miami, Florida so 88 is winter here! lol our high today was 103!! but with the humidity it was supposed to feel lik 110-112! :-D ahhh dont u just love feeling like you live in an oven :-D
Ikes! I'm from northern ontario and the weather here is just perfect around 75. our winters get to be 40 C sometimes!

About the tank. I have a plastic tank and as well as a heat pad (which cautions against plastic) and I've never had a problem with it so maybe its all in the type of plastic your tank is made out of.
I think you ment -40C in the winter.
T.O. gets like that with the windchill, but I know up north can reach that without difficulty.