capio cum grano salis
Travis Whisler produced a clutch of Goldens & ph Goldens from a normal het golden and a normal het caramel golden!! Looks like the project is finally off the ground!
Amen!Travis Whisler produced a clutch of Goldens & ph Goldens from a normal het golden and a normal het caramel golden!! Looks like the project is finally off the ground!
Thank God, I am off the hook. I would have hated to be the last one to loose a Golden.
I still have the Golden Gene, nice and snug here. It will be nice to see a few in Others Collections.
My Golden female just laid 19 fertile eggs! Golden Sunkissed are in my future!Absolutely can't wait to see a Golden Sunkissed! My money is on that being stunning! Best of luck and please post photos if/when you succeed.
I will be tempted to make room and keep them all, but if I get a decent sex ratio, a few pairs of Landrace Okeetees het Bumble Bee, may be available.If all goes well and you intend to sell any, please add my name to the queue.