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How often do I feed?


New member
I have a hatchling that I got last week. She is a lovely butter motley that ate her first meal at her new home last Thursday night. She has pooped and done very well. Tonight she was moving everywhere in her vivarium, flicking her tongue, and seemed to be looking for something. I took her out and handled her a bit, but she still continued to move everywhere. I had read somewhere that this type of behavior can indicate that she is hungry, and is searching for food. I went ahead and fed her a pinky even though tonight is only the third night since her last meal. Was I wrong in feed her that quickly, or should I have waited one more night?


From what I have read and observed you should feed anywhere from 5-7 days apart. Hatchling a bit more often.
However, I was taught that when your snake becomes active, hunting around his/her viv, he/she is hungry so feed.

The activity you describe is definitely what I would call hunting, so give him/her another meal.
Its Sunday night now, so if you fed Thursday, that's only three days.. What are you feeding the snake and how big is the "hatchling".
Side note, by "becomes active hunting" I mean more active than usual. Some snakes like to explore the surroundings all the time. In light of the fact its only been three days it wouldnt hurt to wait till tommorow eve. You definately dont wantto "power feed" Im told thats bad..
For a hatchling I would feed 1 pink every 5 days...every 4 days at max. Just because your snake is active does not mean that it has digested its last meal completely. You don't want to overfeed your hatchling in the effect that it becomes too much too fast. I'd stick to an every 5 days schedule if you want to feed it more often.

power feeding...

as stated you do want to use caution when feeding. Think about how the snake looks. You want him to look closer to a loaf of bread not the garden hose look! But yeah, they should spend more time hunting than just sitting and digesting. Gotta burn those calories somehow. Myself I only feed every seven days. But often they will get a second item, such as two pinks if the snake is big enough to handle that. It really just varies how your snake is doing. But yes, do use caution and don't let your snake get fat. Pushing meals into a snake will end up with a sausage with a tiny head. I hate that look! I like just right with a properly sized head for the body. Best of luck!