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I missed my chance


New member
After not eatting for several months, my 5 year old male corn snake did kill a chubby mouse. It was too fat for him to swallow and he backed it out before he got it down . Now he back to "I dont want to eat mode" ,even with smaller easy meals. I hope he turns his appitite switch back on soon .
oh no! You must be so very frustrated. Sounds like you know the path from here though. I'm sure he remembers what an appetite is and will be back to eating at least something in a few days. Good luck!
I have a male that is on hunger strike. He has only eaten, one small mouse, about a month a go. That was his first meal, since November. I feel your pain and hopefully, he does turn around soon!

Good Luck,

Id feel good if he ate a mouse last month :). Its been probably 3 months now.He looks good and is acting fine. The last smaller mouse I presented him was a freshly killed so that he wouldnt have to stress killing it himself.Normaly,he would kill them him self with no trouble .He all over the place as im sure your snakes are.In reading many of the posts,I see im not alone. He is very much at ease in his tank. I can hold him anytime without objection.That reminds me , Ill have to get a some photos of Pasquale up here soon .Thanks for the interest and replies.
He may be in breeding mode. He'll hopefully start eating again after the breeding bug lets up.

And why do you feed live? There are so many better reasons to feed f/t.