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I think my hatchling is stuck, I need help!!


New member

I just got my first corn snake on Friday. Yesterday morning I thought he got out and spent all day looking for him and could not find him. Come to find out he was not lost at all (so I named him houdini) but he has a peice of wood branch thing that I got from a pet store. He got himself into the top of the thing were you only can see a tiny bit of him with a flashlight. He won't come out and I am worried he is stuck. Does anyone know how I can get him out? :shrugs:

I find the Bo Peep method works wiell in this situation....just leave him alone and he'll come out eventually. You can quietly check the viv in the evenings when he'll be more active and you might catch him out of the log but otherwise just leave him alone and wait til he's at least 70% out before you try to grab him...they have a great grip when they want to!
I should add.... Baby snakes feel very vulnerable and feel safest when they're crammed into some type of space that we would consider very uncomfortable. If there's no sign of him coming out after a week then you can try more invasive measures...and when he does come out, make sure you block up the hole before giving him back his log...or wait til he gets bigger before you give it back.
I think my hatchling is stuck!

Thanks Princess. I was planning on taking the whole log out until he gets bigger. He makes me nervous when I can't see where he is, and I like to look at him.
I have a feeling we have the same branch :) Candice has been lost in hers for over a week and finaly came out last night. I was so releaved to have her out!!! I switched out the hide though :rolleyes: Hope all goes well.

The best advice has already been given by princess. I've got a few that just love to get hidden in things and I just let them do it. It's a bit more difficult at feeding time, but I just take the hide out and set it on my desk. Curiosity always gets the better of them and they'll come wandering out. :cheers:
I probibly should add more :) Candice hadn't been comming out at all, not at night nothing. I thought she might be stuck especialy since she climed in there just after eating and then stayed in there so long, she grows fast :). I got her to come out for food. I sliced a pinky to let off scent as was suggested to me and she came right out. She'd ignored food before this so. . .idk hope that helps.
Snakes feel most secure when they can feel their hides touching their body. Consequently, the tighter the space they have to hide away, the better for their "peace of mind". The drawback, of course, is not seeing them much, but from my experience it pays off in the long run. The snow in the pic I posted was pretty nervous as a hatchling. She's an '03 and almost kitten tame now. She loves her hollow cliff and I don't have the heart or need to take it from her. :cheers:
If you are 100% sure it is stuck I would try and very carefully cut him out with a hack saw. However I find it very hard to believe it would be stupid enough to get stuck.
I wouldn't reccommend the hacksaw personally,

If all else fails you know that the snake will eventually lose some weight and be a little slimmer and therefor find it easier to get out if it is stuck...but it's most likely just happily crammed in there...hacksaw is the last resort.
Got him!!!

Thanks for all the advice everyone. He came out last night. I was going to feed him for the first time yesterday, so I decided to use that to get him to come out. He did come out after the pinky but he did not eat :( . I don't, think he was very happy with me for taking his log. This morning I put down some aspen substrate two different hides(before I only had papertowel down and 2 hides, so i figured he could kind of hide the the aspen too) and I held him for a little bit also. He wandered through it a little this morning before I left for work. I am going to try to feed him again tonight and hopefully will have better luck.

I wouldn't try and feed him tonight. Leave him a week to get used to his new surroundings and then try again.