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Is she ready to shed or is she just in a bad mood?


New member
My baby corn, about 9 weeks old who usually just tries to get away when u wana pick her up gave me some serious attitude the last 2 days, havent been able to pick her up once and tried a few times, the last time she actually faked a strike at me and she goes into a defensive position (the s shape) with her head constantly up, i have noticed that the rear half of her body seems a little paler then the front, is she perhaps getting ready to shed or is she just not in a good mood? Plz help
It's possible she's going into shed...have her eyes gone blue yet? If her colors are looking paler/duller than normal, then shed may be your answer.
Thanx Lisa, her eyes are still clear, but she is looking a little duller, she might have also been hungry, 2day was her feeding day so will give her 48 hours then she if she will warm up to me abit better
well, snakes usualy shed every 8-10 weeks depending, so it sounds about right that shes due- the fact that she accepted food she must be just starting and not used to it- snakes do like to shed- its uncomfortable, and they cannot see as well, hence why they hide and are snappy- keep an eye on her, when she is ready to shed, she will suddenly almost look normal again- make sure you have a dish of water in there and spritz her tank once a day to raise the moisture a little- when you see some skin in your tank, check her over to be sure she shed compleatly- there is a great sticky in one of the forums here that shows you how to help your corn if they are haveing trouble ( youll know if you see shredds of skin in the tank and shreds in the tank, or thier is a peace she cant get off on the tip of her tail)
sorry about going all into that- couldnt help myself- hope its not a bother- hope she calms down for you soon ;)
sorry, im realy tierd, should realy read befor i post- if you see shreds of skin on HER and in the tank instead of one or two large whole pieces- also, check the skin off the head to make sure the eye caps came off too.
Sounds like it could be shedding, or it could just be that your snake is in a bad mood.
You could smell different, or be less relaxed. Both things can scare a young snake.

Don't put her back immediately when she acts aggressively. It will reinforce her behavior. Hold her until she calms down then put her back.
Good luck with yr young snake friend. It's probably that she is going into shed. My corn snakes have gotten extremely use to being held wheather or not they are in the blue stage or not, so none of mine give me any attitude. The only one that gives me any problems is my youngest corn Kasper, usually ate feeding time. He's a very enthuastic eating machine, and will lounge towards the glass. He actually has not been that bad until recently like the last two or three feedings, before he wasn't quite as bad. Don't know what's changing. My other 4 are very sweet, calm and take food very easily and softly. If you interact with her often , even during shed time she will very well calm down for you. Just takes awhile.