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Magic Snake!!


New member
Magic because he is able to dissapear without a trace!!

I woke up this morning and found that my Okeetee (17in) was not in his viv. Panicing, I gave my apartment a quick search, I was even a half hour late for work. I did a more detailed search... Still no sign of him. I live in a studio-type apartment, so he's free to roam anywhere...I know that the door to the outside is very sealed, so he's got to be in here somewhere. I found only one escape route, and that was a hole in the kitchen wall near the floor that leads to my downstairs neighbors ceiling, but I doubt he got that far or even went there because the kitchen is the coldest part of the apartment and also the farthest from the viv. If he went down there, there's no way for him to get back up because it's a little bit of a drop...I plugged the hole simply because if he's down there, he's not coming back, and if he isn't, then he can't GET down there...The other place I am worried about is the shower drain, it wouldn't be hard for him to get into the shower, and I don't think he could fit through the holes. I think his head may be too big, his body for sure too big, but I've read that they can fit anywhere they can squeeze their head through. I shined a flashlight down the drain, I saw the water down where it loops around but no sign of a snake...

I have read through the forums a little and I plan on doing the flour thing and also laying toothpics out along all the walls... My walk in closet and my bathroom are on either side of the viv, so if corns crawl along walls, then he's got to be in one or the other. There is plenty of space between the floor and the bottom of the door that he could get in/out of those rooms. I want to lay traps for him, but I don't have any pinkies at the moment, won't have the means to get any of those until tomorrow. I don't know how useful a trap would be without bait, but i will try anyways, maybe just using some of his substrate or something for a familiar smell...

i read somewhere about laying aluminum foil down, does that really work, would that make enough noise to hear?

Any suggestions would be appreciated...

Well, no luck on night #1, all the toothpics and flour went undisturbed...my guess is that he is still in hiding... I got some pinkies today. I bought 6, two for my GF's Creamsicle, and four for my traps. I have 3 inverted soda bottles, and I didn't have any more, so i left the last one just out in the dish I got them in, I figure if he gets that one, I'll know what vicinity he's in. I know once he eats, he's not much for wandering, he usually finds a place to hide pretty quick and doesn't move much for about a day.

I sure hope he turns up soon. I am so dreading that he may have gotten down the shower drain, although I still think he might be to big to fit through the holes.

I don't really want to go buy another snake, because I know if I do, then He'll show up...but i guess that wouldn't be too bad, these snakes are so cool!!

Anyways, once again, any other suggestions are greatly appreciated...

Hmmm . . .

It sounds like you're doing everything right, tho I am no expert! I hope he turns up soon.
The "buy a new one so the old one gets found" is not working so far with me. Not that I thought it would actually work lol.
Good luck finding your snake! :cheers:
Well, This is day three, no sign of him yet...no traces either... toothpicks, flour, and mice are untouched... I'm starting to lean more and more towards the shower drain theory. I'm hoping he's just still hiding...It stays pretty cold in the apartment (70 degrees), the only warm place is the walk-in closet...and i put the heating lamp in there at night to keep it warm, hoping he will migrate there, if he isn't there already. I have one of my traps in there also.

He's not much of a wanderer, I know this. When he was in his cage, I would find him under the lip of the lid and he would still be that way the next day. Didn't seem to travel much, not even at night.

Anyways, fingers still crossed...

Did you check under his cage? A couple of times I had lost hatchlings and searched for them for a week. Then one day, lifted up the empty cage and there they were, curled up underneath. I have no idea how they managed to squeeze underneath a 10 gallon tank on a flat surface. After that whenever one escaped I would look under the cage right away. 90% of the time they would be right there on the heat mat.

I hope you find him soon! Poor little guy.
Well, I gave up looking for him, I searched throughout my whole apartment, literally with a fine tooth comb. He must have somehow gotten out. No signs of him, i layed out toothpicks, flour, and pinkies, nothing was disturbed for five days now..

So I Went out and got me another corn...

Here are some attached pics...


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