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my mice rack finished


New member

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my six months old reverse okkette corn snake

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk


  • uploadfromtaptalk1454630964982.jpg
    53.3 KB · Views: 180
Nice job on the mice rack. Pretty snake. I love RO. I have two banded Florescent. Love them.
You have inspired me! I am ordering 3 African Soft Furred Rats/Mice from a local who raises them here and am going to build a rack for them like your's! Thank you!
You have inspired me! I am ordering 3 African Soft Furred Rats/Mice from a local who raises them here and am going to build a rack for them like your's! Thank you!

* Edit: Well, "like your's" except for slightly larger RUBS...lol
thank you for the compliment i have the first row going now and the seconed level will be done this week

Sent from my LG-D415 using Tapatalk
woke up this morning and zilla shedded wow she has grown up fast you see her picking out 😄🐍.

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