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New corn snake


New member
I just bought a corn snake on Friday and I have only seen him on the Hot side of his viv. Here is a list of products I have in his/her viv.

20 gallon tank
2 hides (1 on hot side and 1 on the cool side)
set of plastic vines that run along the back of the tank
plastic vines in a circle in the middle
2 plastic branches to climb on (1 on hot side and 1 on the cool side)
1 water dish on the cool side
Coconut fiber bedding
1 screen lid

I set the viv up about 2 weeks before I brought the snake home, the temp on the hot side I was told was low so I added a clamp light with a 75 watt tight beam light and now it is about 90 on the hot side and about 80 on the cool side. Is this all I need and if I am doing something wrong please send me a PM or E-mail @ [email protected]

BTw how long should I wait b4 I start handling

Thanks for all your help and support

Well theres your problem. Your hot side should be 80-85 F and your cool side should be somewhere in the mow or mid 70s F.

Just wait maybe 2 more days before handling. When you start handle in small ammounts (5 min) then gradually increase time handling each time you hold him/her.

I will get rid of the overhead light.... how long should I wait b4 feeding bc the PETCO :( employee didn't know when the snakes were fed last
I just got a snow from petco and since its a chain they all probably have the same feeding day which it today. My little girl just took her first fuzzie. I posted a thread kinda asking that and most people feed they day they get their snakes but its ok to wait a few days. Good luck I'm sure everything will work out with your new baby.
jcoleman said:
I don't want to over feed so you think I will be ok feeding on friday

For questions about feeding schedules, I refer you to this thread: The Munson Plan (Sample Feeding Chart) I follow it with all of my corn snakes. :)

And, you can find free herp caretaking programs out there...but after my boyfriend nixed mine on my original hard drive, I just made an Excel spreadsheet where I document sheds and feedings and weight & then schedule future feedings right away. Look at the above link and you'll see a sample spreadsheet...I modeled mine more or less on that one, but mine is probably more simplistic.

Oh, and for feeding sizes/knowing what size mouse to feed...you could simply go by weight of the snake & go with the Plan's mouse suggestion (just get a kitchen scale; I got mine at GMC for $10; I got one from Target for $5 and I hated it...but now I need a bigger one for my bigger snakes!), or the general rule of thumb is pick a mouse that is 1-1.5x the size of the snake's midsection. Easy enough. :)

I hope that that helped! :)
Just one more little thing make sure the lid is tight fitting, if slides in clamps or has a back hook fine but if it just sits on top your snake could easily push it's way out.
Congrats on new snake :) susan
I know how often to feed my corn, but I don't know when hatchling was fed last. I bought it @ petco on Friday when I asked the lady that sold me the snake when it was fed last she told me that they used to feed on Fridays but she don't know when they feed. If they fed the snakes on fridays shouldn't my snake have evena small lump in his/her stomache???? That is what I meant by over-feeding!
jcoleman said:
I know how often to feed my corn, but I don't know when hatchling was fed last. I bought it @ petco on Friday when I asked the lady that sold me the snake when it was fed last she told me that they used to feed on Fridays but she don't know when they feed. If they fed the snakes on fridays shouldn't my snake have evena small lump in his/her stomache???? That is what I meant by over-feeding!

Ok, ok. Well...I've had it where I fed my snake a mouse that I thought was the right size and it turned out to be just right enough for quick digestion and it seemed to "disappear" quickly. Or, perhaps the snake has digested and is ready to go. I don't know...I guess, if I was in your shoes, I'd wait the general "settling in" time and then try feeding anyway. If the snake is hungry, s/he'll take it. If s/he refuses, then leave the snake alone & try again in a couple of days. Perhaps it's stress, perhaps it's not hungry.

And, if you bought the snake on Fri, I'm guessing that that means that the store hadn't fed the snake because it hadn't hidden itself away to digest...so, if the snake has been allowed to settle in quietly enough, then try feeding it tomorrow.
While I was at work my wife called me to tell me that Ike was not doing too well. I came home to find him going into what looked like spasms I called the vet and he he didn't know what it could be. About 10 mins later Ike was no longer with us. I took Ike back to Petco only to find out they were not suppose to sell Ike for another week or so. The MOD told me that Ike was suppose to be in a different place and wasn't suppose to be on the floor b/c they had just received him in and didn't know if he had ate in 2 weeks and I had him for a week and he wouldn't eat. They wanted to give me another snake, but I told them I wasn't leaving until they gave me money back and told the manager that it would be a cold day in hell before I ever bought another animal from ANY Petco again.


Nomed said:
I just got a snow from petco and since its a chain they all probably have the same feeding day which it today. My little girl just took her first fuzzie. I posted a thread kinda asking that and most people feed they day they get their snakes but its ok to wait a few days. Good luck I'm sure everything will work out with your new baby.

lol at you thinking we have a regulated feeding day. Sorry I thought that was funny.
No they just get fed whenever the reptile person decides to do it, because they don't all eat on the same schedule.

Wow uh I'm sorry to hear what happened...but ...well I guess I think that's a bit harsh. If the animal got put out on the floor by accident it was an accident. Nothing will ever replace your snake so I think you did the right thing by getting your money back. But I guess maybe you're just still really upset.
The only time Ike got out of his cage was when I got him out to show him I wasn't a predator and I put him on my bed and let him slither around. I know no one at my house got him because I placed latches using JB weld on both sides and locked them so no one could harm him
Dear John,

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I really don't know how I would feel if one of my "babies" were to die. I know you are feeling bitter towards Petco, and I completely understand. I think in large chains it is the INDIVIDUALS that work there that need to be "up to snuff" in their training/knowledge of the particular animals they are in charge of.

We have a new Petco in Manitowoc, WI but I prefer the one in Appleton. Here is why:

They had records on each and every snake. They opened the first cage I picked-out (the neat one with the glass doors that open up) and found a very small space behind the fake rock backround, (foam) and small air holes in the corners. They told me that they wouldn't suggest this tank unless the snakes are older.

Then they made me purchase all the suggested materials on a printed-out caresheet. Then the woman made additional notes on looseleaf paper. I had already read Kathy Love's book... but if I wouldn't have I am sure she would have suggested it. She put down the emergency numbers I would need, including the best reptile vet she knew of in NE Wisconsin.

After purchasing suggested materials, I had to go home and set-up. I came back 3 days later with a digital picture. I'm telling you the woman who worked in the reptile area was like an MP for reptiles... and that is a good thing! This is NOT how it is at the PetCo that is only 20 min away in Manitowoc.

I know I write a lot but what my point is... is that in those big chains you won't always get a knowledgable person. It will be hit or miss. I am so glad I had that first-time experience because I needed it.

John I really feel sad for you. Please don't beat yourself up though. It sounded like you had your tank set-up right (temp might be argued)... but I have visited people with cornsakes and I would say they had poor environments for their corns. This wasn't the case with you. I think the odds were against you from the beginning because of your snakes prior care. I know I can't make you feel completely better, but I really hope you the best in the future. I hope I see a post in the future from you... with a better outcome.

Sincerely, Heather