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Not ready for fuzzies?


New member
I'd been feeding my yearling pinkies since I got her, when she was about 8 months old. Anyway, she started eating two pinkies each week and I started to think she was ready for the next step up. I fed her one fuzzy, and at first all seemed well. She pooed, she was active, she seemed fine. But then I found what looked exactly like a piece of undigested food in another corner of her cage. I was upset, but I waited the ten days, held her little (although she remained active and crawled to me hand when I changed her water) and all seemed well. I fed her a small meal, one pinkie. a week after that I fed her two pinkies, everything was normal. Finally I tried giving her another fuzzy. The same thing happened again - she seemed normal, active, - she pooed alright, had water and good temps. Everything in order. But then there was another small piece of undigested food in a separate place from her poo. Weird. :confused: So I was thinking, maybe she isn't ready for fuzzies after all? She always seems hungry enough, and she's getting bigger. Her last shed was about a few weeks ago and it went fine except her tail did not shed with the rest, but that was helped with a warm wet cloth.

So I'm not sure what to do. Should I just keep feeding her double pinkies and then try fuzzies again? Should I try another fuzzy this week (after the ten days are up) ?

Any help is appreciated..
I should give her two or three feeds back on the pinkies and try a fuzzy again after that. Will she take three pinkies at a time? That might be worth a try as a step towards fuzzies.

I've had occasional problems getting youngsters to cope with the more furry fuzzies. Can you get hold of some with very little "fuzz" on them? That might help the process.

Overall, it doesn't sound like much is wrong. If there's normal poop coming out of the other end, then you're keeping enough food in her to keep her healthy! You're doing the right thing to watch her and take things at her pace.

As a matter of interest, what sort of size is she? And what does the undigested food look like? Does it seem to be the skin/fur?
She's a little over a foot long, probably around 15 inches. (I'd go and measure her, but I'm busy procrastinating at work :rolleyes: )

Actually, the fuzzies have very little fuzz on them already. The part that looked like a piece of undigested food is very smooth, shrunken, kind of log-like...- sort of like if you were sucking on some kind of hard candy or chocolate, and spit it out before you were done. If that's a good analogy for ya.

I'll probably just keep feeding her pinks and try three at a time.

Thanks :D
Sounds like poop to me, can ya post a pic?
It sometimes looks like that ,thick stringy kind of brownish . I would say it is poop.
My corns are just over a year old and will eat small-med adult mice.
I wish I had a scanner or digital camera - but don't. Anyway, it didn't really look like poop to me, but I suppose it could have been. It was light in color, and not really stringy, which was why I thought it was some regurged dinner. like it had been almost all the way digested and then at the last moment some came back up. Anyway I'm feeding her tomorrow with a couple pinkies so she'll probably get up to fuzzies alright in no time.

Thanks, though -
I should give her two or three feeds back on the pinkies and try a fuzzy again after that. Will she take three pinkies at a time? That might be worth a try as a step towards fuzzies.

I've had occasional problems getting youngsters to cope with the more furry fuzzies. Can you get hold of some with very little "fuzz" on them? That might help the process.

Overall, it doesn't sound like much is wrong. If there's normal poop coming out of the other end, then you're keeping enough food in her to keep her healthy! You're doing the right thing to watch her and take things at her pace.

As a matter of interest, what sort of size is she? And what does the undigested food look like? Does it seem to be the skin/fur?

Don't feed her 3 at a time. Even though they can be small, they will stretch out her stomach long ways, making regurgitation possible and even permanant damage could result.

The rule is only 2 at a time.
Sorry when you say yearling do you mean an 07' or 06', as a snake born in Feb would be rather odd.

off topic patm1313 where is that "rule"