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Now I'm really mad!!!


New member
I have a little 2010 Plasma het Hypo girl named Madonna who hates me. She proved that to me just now.

I saw condensation on her tub, which only means one thing: poopy! So I took her RUB out, took off the lid, and started to remove her water dish. I almost had it out when she decided to strike and tag my ring finger. Wasn't expecting it, so I pulled back fast and all the water went all over my face and into my eyes. Little cow.

She looked so pleased with herself.


^^^^ BAD SNAKE!!!
Always expect a strike whenever you stick your hands in the tank that way it won't be a shock when it happens. One of my snakes nose bumps every time I try to spot clean. It has become a game for her. I think it is the paper towel she's after since I feed her on paper towels. She's only bit once. I like a snake that fights, its a snake that wants to live.
Thanks for the advice, but a bit easier said than done with me I think! I obviously know a little 50g corn snake is not going to do much damage to me or cause me much pain if it does bite, but instincts get the better of me I'm afraid! :D

She usually rattles her tail at me first if she's annoyed, but there was nothing so I assumed (ha! I know better than to do that now...) she was in a good mood.

I just found it funny that I ended up wearing the contents of her water dish :D
LOL well I didn't spill his water dish on me but one time when I reached into Zeus' tank (he has since gotten out and I haven't found him yet) and he struck at me and instinctively I jerked my hand back and bumped the tank knocking it off the table but luckily I caught it before it hit the ground. They don't really hurt at all at that age when they do bite but I know what you mean by the reflexes... it's just instinctive that you jerk back.
i still pull back, and i have been bitten thousands of times....even after keeping retics, boas, venomous, and so on...i pull back from a corn snake??!!??!! <<<<< sissy! lol. instincts are stronger than any self taught actions!
I think it's more a a reflex than an instinct. If something makes a sudden movement towards us it's natural to recoil. It does make them more "angry" though, since they don't like sudden movements either!
my hypo plasma girl is the same way...only one of my corns that hasn't mellowed out. maybe they're related (o: